Saturday, December 1, 2007


Mummy felt that recently Ethan wanted to do the things by himself. Few cases indicate that he wants to be independent: -

1. Like walked up and down the staircase, he wants to walk by himself and doesn't want people to hold or bring him. If you hold him he will move his body in order to go down to the floor and walked up and down himself.

2. If he finishes drinking the milk or water he wants to take close the cap and takes the bottle and put it back to the original place by himself.

3. The plastic bag that hold the cake, after Ethan finished eating the cake when grandma wanted to throw it, Ethan refused to let grandma take it and he wants to bring the plastic bag to the kitchen and asks grandma to hold him up and throw the plastic bag himself.

4. When we saw him having a difficulty to find the correct puzzle, we tried to help him put the correct puzzle in, he will refuse, take it out and put aside then later he tried himself.

A lot of things he also wanted to take a part when we were doing the our work, like watering the plant and sweeping the floor etc

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