Sunday, December 2, 2007

Does Ethan love math?

Today we went back to Penang from Grandpa house in Kedah. Tonight daddy will have a business trip to US. Seems like this trip he has got a lots of things to buy. Daddy got a whole long list of items from Grandpa, mummy and auntie.

Recently you can hear that Ethan kept on saying 'one' 'two'. He likes to count things that he has seen. Like this morning grandma informed mummy that Ethan was counting the number painted on the road side for the stall lots. Even when he seen the encyclopedias in the book shelve got vol 1 to 20, he also wanted to count it. The number for the wall calender he also didn't skip the opportunity of reading the number. If the box, cloth, bed sheet and etc having printed number he likes to read it or counting the square and flower in the bed sheet. Even Ethan he doesn't really know how to read all the number but he tries his best to count the things. When we were going home, Ethan sat inside the car counting the car passing by. So mummy plans to teach Ethan plus and minus when Ethan manages to read out all the number from 1 to 10

Besides counting, Ethan also like to imitate the action of the picture show in his words dictionary like angry, yawn, yelling etc. It is so funny when he does that actions. If there is a chance then mummy will try to capture the funny actions and post them in this blog.

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