Saturday, November 10, 2007

Youth park again and got new books

Today, mummy plans to buy some Chinese books for Ethan. Mummy has some idea of buying him "我会读". However after seeing that one box only consists of 12 books and the other is flashcard, mummy thought that it was really not worth to buy. It costs MY220 for one box. It actually got 4 boxes. Wah ! Really expensive if we want to buy the whole set, nearly MYR1k. So mummy has to find other cheaper books for him. Daddy is kept busy taking care of Ethan while mummy finds the books. Seems like Ethan likes to run here and there, daddy has to keep on chasing him. Daddy took one book and tested Ethan on some words of fruits. Daddy told mummy that Ethan knows all the words inside. Mummy didn't believe it, so daddy asked Ethan to prove that he actually knows it. Daddy asked "avocado" and mummy was so surprised that Ethan pointed correctly. Mummy never teach this word before to Ethan. So our conclusion was that either he picked among the words that he doesn't know or he learned some natural phonic. At last mummy managed to pick 4 Chinese books for Ethan. We have gone to Toy's'rus but could not find a good toy for Ethan.

Since the weather is good and also we were on the way back, mummy asked daddy to drop by the Youth park again. Mummy wanted to let Ethan play and also showed daddy that the park has a swimming pool. A lot of people there even when it was nearly noon. We managed to take some photos there but not many as there the battery ran low. Hi hi

We are pleased to know that Ethan was not afraid of the see-saw anymore. Previously for the first time when he played in the park near to our house, he really yelled when we put him on. Seems like this time he really enjoyed it.

His favorite playground is still the slide. He slided few times. We put him on the swing. This time, he has got some improvement compared to the last time. Later we took Ethan to see the swimming pool. There were a lot of kids there playing in the water. Seems like today we were unprepared, so Ethan only get to see and not get to play in the water.

On our way back to the car park we saw a small replica of the Penang Hill Tram Car. Daddy took a photo together with Ethan.

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