Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kindergarden want or not???

Today daddy and mummy brought Ethan to the kindergarten open house to observe some information. Mummy still worry that until now Ethan still doesn't want to talk. Even though he knows few but we still consider he doesn't talk. Like he knows how to pronounce "打你" very clearly. Sometimes we heard him pronounces some words like star,none, raining, where(in Chinese words) but we still consider he doesn't know how to talk. Really headache.

Seems like eventhough Ethan still has not reached two years old but the kindi already considered him as 3 years old for enrollment in the school. What mummy afraid is that he cannot pick up some skills as compared to other kids. Guessed the teacher was impressed when mummy asked Ethan the English words printed in the book. Ethan pointed correctly then when the teacher asks whether he knows how to talk, we said no.

What confused mummy is that the things taught in the kindi is the same as what mummy teaches Ethan in the house. But the only difference is that Ethan is not learning the things together with other kids. Mummy is thinking of whether it is worth to let Ethan study in kindi just because we want him to talk? Mummy really "kedekut" This question is bothering mummy for quite some time.

See Ethan helps mummy with the vegetable. Mummy try to expose Ethan to the environment.

Evening time, a grasshopper came inside our kitchen. Mummy quickly asked Ethan to see it. The purpose is to expose him (like yesterday when mummy washed the car porch, there was a worm so mummy also let Ethan see it) it is better to see with his own eye than just looking at the picture inside the book. Mummy then quickly took him to our study room after seeing the grasshopper. Mummy searched the internet for grasshopper photo for him and also type the words of grasshopper and hope that Ethan can remember the word.

At night, after the bath mummy took out the book of "Words Dictionary" that mummy bought for Ethan when we went to hotel stay. That time he did not really have interest on this book. Mummy taught him some of the words inside the book. When mummy shown him that this is a glove. Mummy asked daddy to dig out mummy's gloves and hat for Ethan to wear. We brought him in front of the mirror to see himself wearing the gloves and hat. Besides that when mummy teaches the animals, mummy brought out the plastic animals and asks Ethan to show mummy which animal is the animal shown in the books. He likes this game.

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