Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ethan Happy Birthday

Today is Ethan's 2nd year birthday. お誕生日おめでとう。

Ethan woke up quite early this morning so we decided to take him to the beach for walk and take some photo.

Getting some sun-tan...

Where is my drink, waiter?

He was still afraid of walking in the beach so daddy had to hold him to walk along the beach. We tried to put him down and let him walk but he kept on yelling. So at the end we gave up and hope that when he gets bigger the situation will be change. After walking on the beach we wanted to take our breakfast but the surrounding cafe were close. Seems like they only do business at night. So daddy said why not go to Pulau Tikus market to take the breakfast. Daddy is very familiar with Pulau Tikus market because his aunty stays in that area. As a child, daddy's parents used to bring him to this place for breakfast. Famous hawker food there are "Char Kueh Kak" and soya bean drinks. Daddy felt that things have not changed for the past 10 years and the same hawker shops are still around. 懐かしい! We took our breakfast at the Pulau Tikus market and we also packed our lunch here because we knew that by the time we got back we would not have time to eat. This is because it would be Ethan's nap time.

However before we gone back to the hotel we swung by Youth park to let Ethan play at the playgound. When we arrived there, Ethan quickly walked to his favorite playground as he still remembers the way to the playground. He had plenty of fun at the playground especially playing with the slides. It was uncountable how many times he played on the slides.

I love this kinda new found tunnel slides...

When we back to hotel is nearly 12pm so Ethan is very tired, very fast he sleep. He slept until 2.00pm only wake up. We celebrate his birthday after he wake up. We take some photo of him with the birthday cake and also our family photo. After eating the cake we rest for a while then only let him go to the swimming pool again the play water.

All gleaming in front of cake.

The 500g Birthday Cake!!

Family photo shots!

Now, how do I want to divide this cake???

My own piece, mine all mine! He! He! He!

Don't know whether was it because yesterday he fell down into the water in the big pool, today he refused to go down to the big pool. He was yelling not to go down. He only wanted to play in the side pool where he managed to stand on his own feet. If we pulled him to the deeper side, he will yell and later wanted to go to the kiddy pool. So he played for quite some time in the kiddy pool then mummy asked daddy to bring him back to big pool.

After that we having dinner in the nearby hooker center. Mummy found that the food is not delicious compared with the food in Bayan Lepas. Well this is only mummy's personal opinion. Daddy met an old friend in the food court. He was daddy's university roommate. The world is really small that he sat at the table next to ours at the hawker centre. In fact Daddy told Mummy at the pool before that he immediately recognized his friend swimming in the pool. However, since daddy was taking care of Ethan, he did not go over to meet his friend. Daddy told mummy that he could immediately recognize his friend because his friend still looks the same. Furthermore he was with a Caucasian lady at the pool. It had to be his Austrian wife. Meeting at the hawker centre confirmed this and daddy finally introduced to his wife.

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