Friday, November 23, 2007

Hotel Stay

Today daddy took half day leave in order to bring us for hotel stay. We have to bring Ethan to the car even while he was still in sleeping. He woke up after mummy held him up to the car. We arrived at hotel around 3.00pm something. Moved some stuffs from the car into the hotel room then we were ready to go and walk around hotel.

When we walked nearby the swimming pool Ethan want to go down the pool as he still remember he had fun time playing the water when we previously stayed in this hotel. We want ed to let him walk on the beach but he also remember it. He refused to walk further to the beach so we just took a rest in the laying chair along the beach.

Later seems like Ethan eagerly want to swim so we gone back to the room to change. First Ethan had some fun the pool. He even played with his swimming ring. Maybe he is so fun or cute there was an Arabic lady which was taking his husband photo wanted to take Ethan's photo. Ethan seems like playing with her, when she wanted to take photo, Ethan used the swimming ring to cover his face. When she gave up, Ethan look up at her. She attempted for quite some time then only manage to take Ethan's photo. We laughed seeing this funny situation.

Not sure why Ethan attracted Arabian women so much, especially the ones that dressed like a Ninja. This particular woman was dressed all in black with her faced cover in a veil. Only left 2 eyes which were not covered. Daddy noticed that the eyes was heavily touch-up with blue mascara. We played for about an hour in the pool.

Looking cute through swimming ring

At night we brought Ethan to the night market along the road and see whether there was anything to eat. We only packed one "Char Kueh Teow" because we already had some U-Ton "Nasi Kunyit" in the hotel as we wanted to pre-celebrate Ethan's birthday.

Ethan's birthday cake prepared for tomorrow and also red eggs.

Have to let Ethan eat his red egg first because red egg cannot go overnight.

When we got back to the hotel Ethan refused to sleep. Maybe it was because he recognized his bed and room. However later, maybe because he was too tired he fell asleep.

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