Thursday, November 15, 2007

Helper vs Mess-up person

Today Ethan still "gambate" in learning to talk. When he saw the Chinese flashcard "妈妈" he pronounce it as yesterday grandma already informed mummy. Today mummy saw it with her own eyes. Mummy today almost completed a few of Chinese story books but only lack photos to add in. Hope that it can be finished by this week so that daddy can print it out. Recently, Ethan has slowed down learning Chinese phase. Maybe it is because he doesn't know the meaning of the words

After dinner Ethan help daddy to dry the plate, spoon and fork. See! Ethan is such a good little helper.

Don't know why whenever Ethan wants to play the puzzle, he likes to take all of the puzzle and mess them together. It is very difficult to find the puzzle in this kind of mess. See what a mess he has done to the puzzle. But amazing thing was he can find the correct puzzles and put them together.

See the before and after

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