Sunday, November 11, 2007

Say "Duck!" & "Giraffe!"

Today, Grandpa took us to Bedung for lunch. We had pig stump for one of the dish. On the way there, Ethan was so tired that he slept in the car and also slept throughout the lunch. Poor Grandma had to cuddle him at the same time eat.

After lunch, Ethan woke up when we reached Grandpa's house. Most probably because he has slept enough, he has the mood to play the pronunciation game. Ethan was able to say the word "Duck" clearly. Also he could say "Giraffe", although not that clear but you get the meaning.

Ethan said multiple times the word "Duck!"...

Saying the word "Giraffe" ...

In another 13 days, Ethan will be 2 years old. Somehow don't know why but he manage to say word "Duck" even before saying "Papa" or "Mama". Weird son we have.

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