Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hair cut day

Today brought Ethan to cut his hair and mummy also taken the opportunity to cut her hair. While mummy was cutting the hair, grandma brought Ethan to visit the "哥哥" but unfortunately 哥哥 not around so Ethan didn't have any company. He only sit aside and watched big brother and sister to play with their Barbie doll. The kids were playing wearing clothes for the Barbie doll. Later he saw one of the big sister playing the hula hoop. After that big sister finished and put down the hoop, Ethan quickly go and take it and try to imitate the action. Everybody who saw Ethan's action laughed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Going back to Kedah

Today daddy requested mummy to bring Ethan back to Kedah because daddy was sick. Maybe this was due to the haze. Daddy wanted to quarantine Ethan from him. Grandpa had to come to Penang to bring mummy and Ethan. Ethan only slept a while in the car and he immediately woke up upon the arrival at Grandpa's house.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back from Hotel stay

Today we ended our vacation at the hotel. First mummy thought that maybe we can let Ethan swim in the swimming pool before checking out. However, Ethan slept till 8.30am. After having breakfast and move some of our stuffs to the car, we already did not have enough time to enjoy the pool. Furthermore, Ethan seemed like got the routine habit to take the car in the morning. As mummy tried to walk him to the pool side, he refused to go and he walked towards the lobby and wanted to take the car.

When we got back to the house Ethan bumped the back head because he pee on the floor and when he ran, he slipped on the floor and bump on the head. We are so worry because he immediately cried and later his face turned white. First we planned to take him to see the doctor for a check but today is Sunday and there was no doctor. So we have to monitor him for 24 hour till tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ethan Happy Birthday

Today is Ethan's 2nd year birthday. お誕生日おめでとう。

Ethan woke up quite early this morning so we decided to take him to the beach for walk and take some photo.

Getting some sun-tan...

Where is my drink, waiter?

He was still afraid of walking in the beach so daddy had to hold him to walk along the beach. We tried to put him down and let him walk but he kept on yelling. So at the end we gave up and hope that when he gets bigger the situation will be change. After walking on the beach we wanted to take our breakfast but the surrounding cafe were close. Seems like they only do business at night. So daddy said why not go to Pulau Tikus market to take the breakfast. Daddy is very familiar with Pulau Tikus market because his aunty stays in that area. As a child, daddy's parents used to bring him to this place for breakfast. Famous hawker food there are "Char Kueh Kak" and soya bean drinks. Daddy felt that things have not changed for the past 10 years and the same hawker shops are still around. 懐かしい! We took our breakfast at the Pulau Tikus market and we also packed our lunch here because we knew that by the time we got back we would not have time to eat. This is because it would be Ethan's nap time.

However before we gone back to the hotel we swung by Youth park to let Ethan play at the playgound. When we arrived there, Ethan quickly walked to his favorite playground as he still remembers the way to the playground. He had plenty of fun at the playground especially playing with the slides. It was uncountable how many times he played on the slides.

I love this kinda new found tunnel slides...

When we back to hotel is nearly 12pm so Ethan is very tired, very fast he sleep. He slept until 2.00pm only wake up. We celebrate his birthday after he wake up. We take some photo of him with the birthday cake and also our family photo. After eating the cake we rest for a while then only let him go to the swimming pool again the play water.

All gleaming in front of cake.

The 500g Birthday Cake!!

Family photo shots!

Now, how do I want to divide this cake???

My own piece, mine all mine! He! He! He!

Don't know whether was it because yesterday he fell down into the water in the big pool, today he refused to go down to the big pool. He was yelling not to go down. He only wanted to play in the side pool where he managed to stand on his own feet. If we pulled him to the deeper side, he will yell and later wanted to go to the kiddy pool. So he played for quite some time in the kiddy pool then mummy asked daddy to bring him back to big pool.

After that we having dinner in the nearby hooker center. Mummy found that the food is not delicious compared with the food in Bayan Lepas. Well this is only mummy's personal opinion. Daddy met an old friend in the food court. He was daddy's university roommate. The world is really small that he sat at the table next to ours at the hawker centre. In fact Daddy told Mummy at the pool before that he immediately recognized his friend swimming in the pool. However, since daddy was taking care of Ethan, he did not go over to meet his friend. Daddy told mummy that he could immediately recognize his friend because his friend still looks the same. Furthermore he was with a Caucasian lady at the pool. It had to be his Austrian wife. Meeting at the hawker centre confirmed this and daddy finally introduced to his wife.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hotel Stay

Today daddy took half day leave in order to bring us for hotel stay. We have to bring Ethan to the car even while he was still in sleeping. He woke up after mummy held him up to the car. We arrived at hotel around 3.00pm something. Moved some stuffs from the car into the hotel room then we were ready to go and walk around hotel.

When we walked nearby the swimming pool Ethan want to go down the pool as he still remember he had fun time playing the water when we previously stayed in this hotel. We want ed to let him walk on the beach but he also remember it. He refused to walk further to the beach so we just took a rest in the laying chair along the beach.

Later seems like Ethan eagerly want to swim so we gone back to the room to change. First Ethan had some fun the pool. He even played with his swimming ring. Maybe he is so fun or cute there was an Arabic lady which was taking his husband photo wanted to take Ethan's photo. Ethan seems like playing with her, when she wanted to take photo, Ethan used the swimming ring to cover his face. When she gave up, Ethan look up at her. She attempted for quite some time then only manage to take Ethan's photo. We laughed seeing this funny situation.

Not sure why Ethan attracted Arabian women so much, especially the ones that dressed like a Ninja. This particular woman was dressed all in black with her faced cover in a veil. Only left 2 eyes which were not covered. Daddy noticed that the eyes was heavily touch-up with blue mascara. We played for about an hour in the pool.

Looking cute through swimming ring

At night we brought Ethan to the night market along the road and see whether there was anything to eat. We only packed one "Char Kueh Teow" because we already had some U-Ton "Nasi Kunyit" in the hotel as we wanted to pre-celebrate Ethan's birthday.

Ethan's birthday cake prepared for tomorrow and also red eggs.

Have to let Ethan eat his red egg first because red egg cannot go overnight.

When we got back to the hotel Ethan refused to sleep. Maybe it was because he recognized his bed and room. However later, maybe because he was too tired he fell asleep.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Birthday is coming

Recently Ethan keep on talking about "one, two" whenever he go get something like he collected the ball, seeing picture and etc.

Ethan loves seeing his Chinese story book, today he took it from the study room table and sit on the floor to read the book. He was very happy seeing the pictures inside the book as for him this park is the fun place for him. He finished flipping the book and started again flipping and pointing. It is uncountable how many times he flipped the book.

See! Ethan likes to play catching ball game.

Aya, so dirty my face is after eating the "putu mayong" but I love to eat by myself.

Just left two days and it will be Ethan's 2nd birthday, daddy already booked the hotel so we can celebrate there. But still haven't order the birthday cake yet. Daddy had already order for 1B type of red egg, nasi kunyit and chicken curry from U-Ton. Will be picking it up tomorrow. Daddy is taking half day leave tomorrow to prepare Ethan's things. Hopefully we are able to book a cake tonight.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Going back to Kedah

Because daddy was sicked so daddy request mummy to bring Ethan back to Kedah. Hope that can quarantine Ethan from daddy. Ethan only slept for a while on the way back to Kedah. He immediately wake up when the car stop and refuse to sleep afterward till night time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No electricity day and my first Chinese homemade book

Today there was a power failure at the afternoon, so mummy has to let Ethan go to the hall to play with the new toy "Ping Pong ball". First mummy intention was to train Ethan to use the spoon to hold the ball and transfer from one bucket to the other. But later Ethan threw the ball here and there and he has to collect it back. Because of this he sweat a lot. Ethan's whole head was wet. Is it free hair gel as you can made anything hair style?

Later because it was too hot inside the house so mummy let Ethan play in the garden. Yeepy!

See! This is the the first Chinese homemade book made by mummy. Before that Mummy already made two homemade English books.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mummy birthday, walking by himself and keen to learn

Today when we brought Ethan to the hypermarket, he didn't like to stay in the supermarket shopping cart. He was yelling of get off from the cart and he want to walk by himself. We have to chased him here and there.

See Ethan riding a toy truck at Sunshine Supermarket.

Although today is mummy birthday but mummy didn't celebrate it because mummy wants to celebrate her birthday together with Ethan which is 6 days apart.

After taking a nap, Ethan played the counting finger game with mummy then suddenly he pronounced one, two etc then mummy only realized that he has learned the number. Later when mummy fed him dinner, mummy took the number puzzle for him. Mummy asked him what is this number then he pronounced 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9. It surprised the daddy and mummy. Night time, we tried to capture the video of Ethan pronouncing the numbers but Ethan was only interesting in his bean maze toy.

Recently mummy has noticed that Ethan is keen to learn. He will point to the book and ask people to teach him the words. Even when mummy was wearing the T-shirt with printed alphabets, he will also point to them and asks mummy to read to him. Cardboard boxes which contains words, he also want people to teach him. This goes even for the hypermarket broacher that has got picture of the product and the price. He likes to flip these. Mummy is pleased to watch him reading. So it seems that mummy started teaching Ethan to read when he was baby has built a strong base for Ethan to like to read.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tired day for Ethan

This morning we have brought Ethan to the park again. Taken some photos near the fountains.

However, he cannot really get to play the slide, see saw etc because of last night rain. All the playground became wet.

So wet, cannot get on it ... :-(

So even he really likes to play the slide, mummy didn't let him. He just walk around the slide. Ethan managed to play the monkey bar and the swing.

He is still afraid of the swing but got some improvement.

Begin to enjoy a bit but still scared...

Look, a worm on the ground. We saw a worm being attacked by a big black ant.

After taking a bath daddy and mummy brought Ethan to Queensbay Mall to have lunch. There was an Astro kid's channel promotion event. Ethan had got a yellow balloon. He also took some photos with daddy in front of the decoration. Like the photo below with daddy and Goofy.

On the way back to home from Queensbay Mall, Ethan was so tired that he fell asleep in the car seat.