Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love seed been sprouting

Recently mummy just "READ, READ, READ" to him whenever mummy has the time to do it. Now the love seed implant in Ethan has sprouted. Why say like that ? Nowadays when mummy sit down and just read the title of the book. What does Ethan do next? Run over to mother.

Even while he was playing with his toy. He will ask mummy to wait for him by saying" Wait, let me park my trolley" or just leave his toys and quickly climbs up the bed or quickly pulls the chair and sits beside his mother. He loves to listen to the story book.

Well. he loves to listen to the story book but not reading it aloud himself. Mother is the one who read aloud to him. Last time mummy used to be like other kiasu mother who wanted their kid to be able to read at the early age. Knowing that lot of parents will be proud and happy when their kid can read at early age. Now mother has changed because mother made a mistake by asking Ethan to read when we were in Shanghai. Mummy asked him to read the "Peter and Jane" and yes he finished it but he hated that book after that. Whenever mummy takes out the series of "Peter and Jane" book. He will say that he doesn't want that book because he thinks mother wants to ask him to read again. No, No. No. Mother knew the mistake and want to rectify it. Mother had a hard time to persuade him that the one who read is mother and not him and he was so unwilling to listen to the book. See, it is a nightmare for him. Now, mother did not dare to take the Peter and Jane book out again.

Mummy wants to enjoy the precious time with him in this two years before he enters the primary school. Not to say that mummy wants to stop reading to him when he is in primary school. Only that will have less time compared to now...Right???

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