Friday, November 20, 2009

Just as record

We had the teacher and parent interview few days ago. This post mummy just wanted to jot down how much was Ethan's exam mark. Ethan got 100% in Maths and English, 96% in BM and Chinese and Science he got 91% and 92%. Why mother has to do this, it is all because the kindergarten doesn't want to let the parents take back the exam paper. They only let the parents viewed it during the interview. At first we didn't know why they do that but after a deep though, our conclusion was that the exam paper questions will be reuse for next year or next next year again. They are afraid that the exam questions will leak especially for those children that has got brother or sister in the same school. Guessed the teacher is lazy to redo the exam questions every year.

Overall, we were satisfied with Ethan's performance as he only attended the school for about 4 months. What can we expect from him as he did not really know how to write when he first joined the kindy. Besides the exam paper, the report card also need to return back to the kindy. Mother did not scan or take photo of it. Ah, just let it be as next year we plan to enroll Ethan to other kindy.

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