Thursday, August 13, 2009

My watermelon

I love to drink and eat watermelon so I know this fruit quite well. Mummy said no need to see the real watermelon but she let me know how to craft with watermelon. Actually she wants to introduce the Chinese character to me.

Today I have no homework so after I woke up, mummy fed me with my favorite milky then I started to work. Mummy already prepared the material so my task was only to glue it. Once again, my el-cheapo mummy used the recycle color papers. So I have to carefully glue it because another side of the paper got lot of printed words and photos.

After I finished gluing it, mummy said that she wanted to put some seeds on it. Immediately I knew what color are the seeds. Is black so I chose the black color pen to draw the seeds...

Completed the seeds and the next task was to glue the watermelon on the plate.

Not yet, I still need to name this fruit. I don't know how to spell the watermelon and mummy also did not trust that I can write all the words by myself. So what she did was she drawn dotted words for me to trace lo.....

I made a mistake at the first so mummy had to redraw another dotted line for me. Second time I managed to trace the Chinese characters without mistake.

Finished sticking in the words, mummy asked me to choose the wall to stick my masterpiece.

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