Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ethan first pet...

We used to have a small aquarium in the house before Ethan was born. We decided to let go when mummy was pregnant as mummy didn't want to change the water every few weeks. We did try to rear the fishes back when we finished our house's renovation but not successful. The fishes cannot last more than 3 days.

After we were back from Shanghai, mummy did have idea to rear the fishy back but no time to take any actions. Finally today, we caught few guppies from grandparents' house. We wanted Ethan to take care of them.

We have set and put a big pot at the corner of the garden. Ethan was eagerly wanted to put all the fishy into the big pot.

Waiting for his parents to fill the water and finally he gets the honor to pour the fishes in.

Helping daddy to put some rocks inside

At last can feed the fishy
To our surprise, we found that there was two baby guppies inside. It should be the mummy fish delivered them on our way back from grandpa's place. If the fishy can survive then mummy will catch the mummy fish apart to let Ethan witness with his own eye, how the mummy guppy delivers a baby... Surely this will excite him. Let's see...

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