Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What activities during the school holiday

Today is the last day of the 1st semester break. Teacher have reminded mother that the school will be resumed on 6th Jan 2009. Ethan will be having few weeks of holiday and mother is thinking of what activities to fill the day for him.

Few activities are in mother's mind
i) We are planning to visit some places as daddy also clear his leave at the year end. The problem is that we cannot go every day for long distance travel as we are afraid that Ethan cannot stand those hectic and busy schedule

ii) Books reading will be part of his routine. Mummy had borrowed two books from the school library. At first thought that maybe the school will refuse to lend the books due to school holiday but the librarian told mother that the books can be returned back when the school resumes. Ya but two books are not enough. Guessed need to start those own collection where the books are for bigger kids.

iii) Watching the DVD is another things that can take some of the time especially when mummy is busy cooking and cannot attend to his needs

iv) Art, craft and painting? This one should have people to accompany him. If not, my artistic son will paint all over the wall.

v) If possible wanted to bring him to swim in the indoor pool. He only have swam in the pool for one time and that was long long time ago. (when we first arrived) and playing in the playground.

Those are the things that mummy can think about...

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