Monday, December 22, 2008

Craft Theme - Butterfly

Today mummy let Ethan do some craft and painting. Ethan likes to use the brush to color the object instead of using the crayon and color pencil. If let him use the crayon for color pencil then the coloring will never end.

The first butterfly Ethan needed to use different shapes and color papers to form it and Ethan did not really know how to arrange them. With mummy's help, Ethan managed to complete it.

Since mummy wanted to cook for lunch so there was no time to accompany Ethan. Mummy quickly and simply drew a butterfly on the painting paper and let Ethan colors it. Ethan did not really mastered the skills of painting inside the line so his butterfly looked a bit out of shape.

After seeing him finished his butterfly, mummy has to draw another for him. This round it looked better than the previous one. Since mummy has no time so after he finished the second butterfly, mummy just let him have freestyle painting on the paper.

At the end of the day Ethan managed to finish 3 butterflies and one freestyle painting.

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