Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Science and Technology Museum

Ethan and mummy had been visiting this museum several times but not daddy. Today we went together as a family. We arrived at the museum sharp at 9.00am and not many people. This time maybe due to today is still a working day and also it was not the school holiday at the local school. Daddy quickly brought Ethan to buy the ticket as we knew that Ethan likes to pay the money. When daddy bought one ticket, the cashier told daddy that kid also need to pay for the entrance. Daddy informed that Ethan has the annual card then cashier requested to see the annual card. Using the annual card bringing one additional person to enter the museum can get 20% discount for the entrance so instead daddy has to pay RMB60 now only need to pay RMB48. Mummy didn't know this benefit but luckily daddy brought Ethan if not daddy would have to pay the full price.

We quickly entered the museum and the first place was the "Animal World" followed by the "Spectrum of Life". We had a quick tour for these two areas as it have been visited by Ethan few times before. We headed to 2nd floor and mummy told daddy to go to the Spider side alone as we have viewed it before. Mummy and Ethan slowly walked to the other side of the museum while waiting for daddy to catch up with us.
We arrived at the "World of Robot", this round mummy told daddy that mummy wanted to let Ethan sing karaoke with the robot and also let the robot draws Ethan's photo. We have made it this round because not many people. Mummy asked daddy to choose the "Twinkle, Twinkle little Star" for Ethan. At first Ethan was still blur a bit as he saw the screen displays in Chinese version which he didn't know. Later he grasped the rhythm of the song then he sang in English version.

Ethan singing with the Robot pianist
We have lined up waiting to take the photo so that the robot can draw Ethan's photo. Ethan had difficulty in having his photo taken. The worker there said it is always difficult to take the kid's photo. Ethan always look at the PC screen instead of the camera. After taking so many shoots, finally we just simply accepted one. Luckily no people lined up after us. If not sure there will complain about it. This was the photo of Ethan drawn by the robot.
Mummy asked daddy to take part in the competition to shoot the arrow with robot but after seeing so many people lined up we just gave up. We went to see the robot show. This is the first time we have seen it even though we have been here so many times. Ethan really enjoyed seeing the robot dancing and doing some act. These are industrial robot dancing.

We continued to have a quick tour amongst other place. But we did try new things and places that were missed out by mummy and Ethan from our previous trips. This round we took a ride into the human stomach by riding the strawberry ride. There is a notice to note that for those people having heart attack better don't take the ride. We have tried and crossed our fingers to hope that it was not scary for Ethan. We rode down into the stomach and the surrounding was a bit dark and the atmosphere like going into a ghost house. The whole trip described how food goes into our stomach until it was released out from the body. Forgot to mention was we need to wear the 3D glasses.
Ethan wearing 3D glasses
This round Ethan knew more about the rocket and astronauts after seeing the rocket in the TV. Previous time when mummy brought him here, he knew nothing about it so he just walked around without showing much interest. This round have seen improvement.

After the space display, we walked down to the lower level to let Ethan have fun with the kid's place. He enjoyed the place very much as he can play the slide, swing, climb the tree and cross the rope bridge between the trees. He had plenty of fun here.

Ethan playing the shooting steel ball
Overall, we have covered all the section within this tour but not in the depth.

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