Monday, April 27, 2009

Play football in the empty field

Today mummy let him kicked the ball in the morning. Putting the ball in the basket on his bicycle and let him carried it to the central garden. Normally there will not be any people playing the football especially on a school day. The football field will only be occupied during the weekend. Our management will once in a while hold football competitions. Of course these are for those older kids.

Ethan had occupied the whole football field. He had fun of dribbling the ball here and there with his mother. After a while, he was beginning to lose interest. The football game should be played as a group then only it would fun and interesting. Never mind, when Ethan grows up maybe he will discover more fun playing with other kids.

Ethan cycled back to our apartment after that. Mummy let him cycled in one of the garden round about. We have a small roundabout garden nearby our apartment. Mummy asked him to count how many rounds his has cycled the roundabout.

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