Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ethan is back again at Shanghai Chang Feng Park (上海长风公园)

We revisited this park again. Last time we only concentrated on the Chang Feng Ocean World and didn't have enough time to explore the rest of the park. This round our purpose was only the park and we entered through gate No 2 instead of No 4. There was a congested traffic at the gate and lot of people and car going in and out.

Ethan did not really have a happy mood there as he requested his daddy to hold him. He refused to take his personal photo. Emm.. What's wrong with this kid?

Well, the mood changed a bit after he spotted a white rabbit. There was one family who brought the rabbit to the park. Guessed they were letting the rabbit to have some exercise in the fresh air. He just stood at the place watching and following the rabbit. He even picked some grass on the ground to feed the rabbit.

He was running for the rabbit when he spotted it

We walked towards Ocean world direction, lot of people were there. The tour bus had brought a lot of tourists to the Ocean world. We just hang around there and let Ethan watched the aquarium that is fashioned out of a real car . Different kind of fishes were in the car. Our cheeky boy tried to open the car.

Sour face rejecting to let his parents take his personal photo
We continued our journey after the Ocean world. We really had no time to slowly look at the park the last time as when we walked out from the Ocean world, there was a white whale performance waiting for us at other side. That time we have to run to the other side. Really stupid to build the two buildings at so far distance apart from each other.

We took a look at the small garden beside the pathway. Terrible to say, it was not really well maintained. The pond look very dirty, the weeds all around. Really disappointed but what to do it is a free entrance park. But we did spot the "Journey to the West " story characters. It was the Monkey God and Zhu Bajie. This round Ethan was willing to sit still and let us take his photos but it could not last long.

We only manage to spot the two characters, the rest of the two we could not find them. Too bad....

We stopped and rest at one side of the park. The park was really very big and we have met our driver also as he was exploring the park instead of waiting for us in the car. We had our simple snack while enjoying the fresh air and seeing people flying the kite.

We walked out from the park after the rest.

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