Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love for Dictionaries

Recently, Ethan was crazy about the dictionary. He likes to read and carry along the dictionary. He will carry with him whenever he is in the room. At night, he will sleep with it. Why? This is mainly because before he sleeps, he will flip through it and when he wakes up he can grasp it flip through again. Not only is he interested in Chinese but also English one. We knew that he doesn't know how to read the Chinese one but he just flipped through it and looked at the number at the bottom of the page. For the English one, he will on and off asks how to read certain words. But then the words printed inside the English dictionary were too small for his eyes. We were afraid especially when he looks at it under the dim light condition.

After his constant flipping through the pages, the condition of the dictionary just like deteriorated especially the Chinese one.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Delay blog posting due to ... SD card reader mul-functional

Recently mummy had to delay updating the blog, all due to mummy's notebook SD card reader broken down. Not only that, the notebook also cannot read the thumb drive. Only way to transfer the photo is to transfer the photo to the external hard disc from daddy's notebook. Such a long way to get the photo transferred.

Until today, we still don't know why the reader suddenly stopped functioning. Daddy tried to fix it but still cannot get it to work. We suspected that it is caused by Ethan's little hand simply clicking here and there like what he had done to bluetooth previously or...????

Monday, April 27, 2009

Play football in the empty field

Today mummy let him kicked the ball in the morning. Putting the ball in the basket on his bicycle and let him carried it to the central garden. Normally there will not be any people playing the football especially on a school day. The football field will only be occupied during the weekend. Our management will once in a while hold football competitions. Of course these are for those older kids.

Ethan had occupied the whole football field. He had fun of dribbling the ball here and there with his mother. After a while, he was beginning to lose interest. The football game should be played as a group then only it would fun and interesting. Never mind, when Ethan grows up maybe he will discover more fun playing with other kids.

Ethan cycled back to our apartment after that. Mummy let him cycled in one of the garden round about. We have a small roundabout garden nearby our apartment. Mummy asked him to count how many rounds his has cycled the roundabout.

He doesn't like it anymore

Recently, Ethan totally lost interest in watching TV. When mummy offered him to watch either "Barney" or "Thomas", he just said "Don't want" especially when mummy wants to prepare the lunch. Is it because he is bored with the DVD or what? But some of the Barney show he still have yet to watch it before. Emm. Don't know why.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nature on paper

We started the day with the morning nature exploration and leaves picking. Immediately after going back home, mummy quickly cooked the glue for him. Yes, it was art time for him.
We let him played with the leaves while waiting for the glue to cool down. Mummy had put the glue in one of the jam bottles and put the ice cream stick and chopstick for Ethan to scoop up the glue.
Guessed what? This was the first time Ethan seen this kind homemade glue so he just wondered what it is? After demonstrating to him that he needed to use the stick to scoop the glue and put the leave on top of it, he quickly grasped the idea. He started to enjoy the fun.

Ethan wearing his new shoes (right)

See how serious he was doing the art work
After using all the leaves, he even used up the cherries. He didn't miss any of it. Having finished using all the material, he started to bug his parents that he wanted to pick more leaves.
When we went to have our lunch at the club house, he picked some of the leaves and cherries back again. Evening time he requested us once more time that he wanted to cycle outside so that he can pick some more.... Really there is no end to this...

Natural explorer

Garden outing again. Once again, we brought Ethan to the garden. This round was not to let him played in the playground but mainly to let him collect the leaves. He was very happy with this when we told him that we wanted to collect leave. He brought along the paper bag.

Mummy didn't expect that Ethan can cycle his bike so fast already. Last time when we brought him out, he cycled his bike like a snail, we walked even faster than him cycling. This time round it was different, he was so fast. We didn't manage to follow him closely.

We let Ethan picked some leaves from the different trees. The most happiest for him was to pick the cherry. It was the cherry blossom tree, after the flowers had fallen down, it was left the cherry on the tree. Ethan cheered and enjoyed picking the cherry.

We went to the club house for a while after we let Ethan explored the garden. Ethan parked his bike nearby the club house's parking lot.

We rested for a while at the club house. When we wanted to go back, Ethan requested to pick the cherry again. He just cannot stop having fun picking those cherry.

Along the pathway back to our house, we let Ethan picked another type of leaves and flowers. We have spotted a few autumn leave tree. So weird as we can still see the red maple leave in the spring time.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ethan at Xin Tian Di (新天地)

After the park, we walked further towards the Xin Tian Di. This was the second time we brought Ethan here. The first time was raining day so we didn't take many photo and we only walked by. This round we chose to hang around there. Wow, a lot of people were there having their lunch and enjoying the atmosphere. We didn't plan to have lunch there.

We have taken some photos here.

Ethan was playing with the tree stick while we waited for our driver to pick us up.

We went to have our lunch at one of the plaza at Xu Jiang Hsu. Very yummy lunch we had. We have been afraid of Ethan as he was very active in the restaurant playing with the plate, spoon and menu. Shameful thing was that when we wanted to walk out from restaurant, mummy had directed Ethan to the wrong way to walk out. Mummy really does not have any sense of direction as initially Ethan walked out to the correct direction. However, mummy stopped him and said that was the wrong way.