Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mummy new year wishes....

Actually wanted to write down the list of the target for 2009 at the beginning of the new year. However too lazy to do so and lot of blogs still WIP especially last year's blog still not yet finished. Since Ethan was having a nap right now so mummy better jot down the list before the long CNY holiday.

Cost saving for Ethan stuffs
1) Books cost still cannot be saved as we Chinese people are of following nature "we can be poor ourselves but cannot be poor in education"

2) Clothes - not planning to buy more. Winter clothes mummy purposely bought the bigger one. So if daddy has to extend the assignment, hoped that Ethan still can wear back his winter clothes. If Ethan continues the school here then he will be wearing the school uniform.

3) Daily expenses. Really cannot commit to reduction as the style of living in Shanghai is really high and the things keep on increasing. Dreaming that daddy's company will increase the allowance if we extend our trip. If go back to Malaysia then mummy will do more home cooking.

4) For diaper cost, foreseen Ethan still need to rely on diaper this year especially when we travel out and during night time.

Wishes of mummy for Ethan:-
1) Hopes that Ethan will love the Chinese book. Mummy had set the objective to read to Ethan at least 2 books per day. Shame to say, have not yet started doing this yet.

2) Hopes that can teach Ethan to write. "Kiasu" mummy afraid that Ethan will not be able to catch up when we are back in Malaysian kindergarten. In Shanghai, the school still has yet to teach them reading and writing.

3) Fill Ethan's free time with meaningful things instead of letting him watch TV.

4) Provide healthy food and life for family.

5) Can travel to oversea?

Happy kid in year 2009.....

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