Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Good head start for Ethan

After reading the forum of mummies discussing and sharing their experience on how they taught their kids to read at the early age, Mummy have gained a lot of information. So now mummy plans to buy those Chinese books for early reading recommended by those mummies. In English version, we can easily access with those "Key Word Ladybird", "I Can read", "Step into Reading" these kind of series of books. But seldom got it in Chinese.

So today mummy went to the library to borrow the Chinese storybooks for Ethan. Besides that mummy also asked the librarian's opinions about the Chinese books. Glad to know that the library is also well occupied by the Chinese books. Mummy's idea is to get to read these books from library and then observed whether Ethan likes it or not. If he loves it then will consider to buy and store at home. Obviously mummy was wrong in the beginning to choose the Chinese books for Ethan. Now the Chinese books in our shelve the story is too long and the words also small. It is more suitable for those older kids.

Yes, mummy managed to read 4 Chinese story books(two books from library) to Ethan after he awaken from his nap time. Mummy didn't know whether Ethan understood or not but at least he sat still beside mummy and listened to all the books. Is was a good head start, right? It really encouraged mummy to read more Chinese books to him.

Cutie and simple books reading to Ethan
From now onwards, mummy will borrow 1 books in Chinese and 1 books in English for Ethan from the library. Hope that mummy will keep continue this good habit.

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