Saturday, January 31, 2009

Want to be baby again...

Ethan hardly sit inside this stroller when he was small. That time mummy purposely bought it as we can bring him to walk around our "Taman" but, he seems like having the needle on the seat, he only can sit still for a while. That time, really wasted mummy's money. All the stroller and car seat we hardly use.

When he was back in Malaysia for CNY holiday seeing "mei mei" sat on it. He wanted to do like "mei mei" and asked daddy to put him into the stroller and push him around. He will point the direction by saying "Go here or there".

Thursday, January 29, 2009

We are back in Penang

After few days of monitoring, Ethan didn't fall sick. Guessed his body needed some time to adjust from winter to summer. Since Ethan has less sneezing so at night mummy quickly changed all the bedsheets, lapped the furniture in the master bedroom so as to reduce the dust when we are back in Penang.

Mummy and Ethan will stay few days in Penang and then go back to Kedah again because daddy will have a business trip in the 2nd week of CNY.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Having family photo during the 3rd of CNY

We took this CNY opportunity to have our family photo in the garden.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bubble boy

Ethan doesn't know how to blow. He didn't know how to blow the candle during his birthday and also blowing bubbles. Parents did attempt to teach him once in Malaysia, guessed that time he was too small and had not even reached age 2.

During the home leave back in Malaysia, we had successfully taught him how to blow the bubble. He enjoyed the whole experience.

Happily caught the bubble even the slipper slipped out from his feet

Monday, January 26, 2009

1st of CNY in Malaysia

On the 1st day CNY, we brought Ethan to visit his great grandma.

Above is a family photo taken.

Achoo here and there

Ethan has been sneezing a lot since he's back to Malaysia, don't know whether is it the dust or what? He got a serious nose block and difficulty to breath. Really pity him so mummy asked daddy to buy the "Scott Liver Oil" and "Pureen Colostrum" because we didn't bring any medicine back from Shanghai and CNY there was no doctor either. He didn't have fever but we kept on monitoring him.

Luckily we are going back to Kedah and away from dusty house in Penang. We let him drank a lot of water. Actually he drank lot of water in Malaysia compared to Shanghai, all due to the hot weather in Malaysia.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Activities on the 3rd day

These are the activities during the 3rd day in Malaysia
i) Morning in playground. We had hard time to leave the place because Ethan refused to walk away. But all thanks to the small rain, then Ethan only willingly to follow us back.

ii) Helped daddy to wash the car.

iii) Watering the flowers

iv) Wash the floor at the carpark and back side of the garden.

v) Helped mummy to put the money inside the angpao.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

2nd day in Malaysia

Initially we planned to have breakfast in Kedah but due to Ethan woke up late, parent had to share one bowl of mee before we went back. We wanted to have hair cut for Ethan. His hair looks long and we were afraid that he cannot stand the hot weather in Malaysia.

Knowing that Malaysia government had already set a rule to put on the safety belt not only front seat but also back seat. The kid and baby need to sit on the car seat. We have no problem to put on the safety belt for Ethan as he is already familiar with it in Shanghai. This round we tried to let him sit on the car seat, to our surprise he did not sit like when he was small that time.

After having the hair cut we quickly bathed him and changed to the short sleeve T-shirt. Mummy had brought some summer clothes back to Malaysia and planned not to bring them back to Shanghai again as maybe we will be back by end of May.

The naughty boy saw "mei mei' in his crib and he asked us to put him down together with "mei mei". He thought he is still a baby.

We had a wonderful and delicious lunch. Really missed the Malaysian food.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ethan way home....

We woke Ethan up early in the morning so that we can catch the 8.10am morning flight. Luckily, Ethan didn't wail due to not enough sleep. We told him that he will be taking the flight. It was windy in the morning and according to the weather forecast, tomorrow and CNY in Shanghai will be cooler than today.

Airport already full of people when we arrived. Luckily daddy is the Singapore Airlines Gold member so we can check-in at the business class counter. Only Ethan was the one who have had his milk as breakfast but not for his parent. So we quickly went to have breakfast in Singapore lounge. Before we enter the lounge we have to go through the custom to stamp our passports. Ethan liked to press the service level indicator at the custom counter. We need to wait to go through the scanning and kids like Ethan do not need to take off his winter coat. Adult has to. Ethan was curious about the "beep beep" sound of the scanning gate. When it was his turn, he hoped that the beep beep sound will sound when he passed through but it didn't so he stood beside the gate and wondered why no sound for him. His mouth kept on sounding out the "beep beep" sound. Then he walked to stand on the platform and hoped to be scanned. The scanner lady saw his action and scanned him. Not only that the lady also let Ethan played with the metal detector. This cheeky boy thought that got sound is a good thing. Yup daddy had sounded because daddy forgotten to bring out the keys from the pocket.

We quickly entered the lounge. We met our friends in there as we have the same flight back to Malaysia. Ethan did not really eat the food there and he only take some ham and juice there. He was still full.

Ethan tried to lock himself up with the safety belt on the seat. This round the stewardess didn't provide mummy another belt so that Ethan can be tied together with mummy during the flight departure. Ethan did grow up lot compared to when he first took the flight. Later part, Ethan played with the TV/radio remote control. Ethan, he has his own kid version of headphone. It was so colorful compared to his parent. This round Ethan managed to witness with his own eyes when the flight take off. The first time was in the night time so he did not see much.

The air stewardess gave Ethan the activities pack to play. Ethan played the puzzle with daddy during the flight. Daddy forgot to order the kid menu for Ethan so Ethan had to eat the same foods as we adult and it was also very late compared to the other kids. Nevermind as Ethan already had another round of milk when the airplane departed. Ethan didn't take the meal on the plane and he only drank the soya milk provided on this flight. He was still very full.

After having pee, changed the diaper and explored the plane for a few hours, finally Ethan slept at 11 something. We let him laid down between our seats.

We reached Singapore at 1 something PM and we quickly gone to have our lunch. Parents really missed the Nasi Kandar. We ordered Burger King chicken nuggets for Ethan. After that we headed to the Singapore lounge again as daddy want to synchronize the email. We took off all our winter clothing as it was hot in Singapore. This cheeky Ethan boy ran here and there in the lounge and mummy had hard time trying to chase him. Ethan met one of the caucasian in the lounge and Ethan said "hi" to him. The man fedback with the nice word like he likes Ethan T-shirt and also told mummy that Ethan is a handsome boy. In order to comfort Ethan not to run all over the lounge, mummy had to take some snacks for Ethan.

One funny thing we saw when we wanted to take the flight again was one of the family had to finish the whole box of birdnest drink before they can enter the flight. Finally we safely arrived in Penang at 5 something.

Ethan had thrown tantrum after he passed through the custom counter. He wanted to walk back inside the airport again. He cried like hell and we have to use the hard way to pull him out from the airport. He still did not settle down after entering the house and he refused to walk down from taxi when we arrived at our house. The boy had spoilt his parents' mood... Hmmm....