Friday, October 24, 2008

We brought Ethan to Hangzhou West Lake(杭州西湖)

We started our trip at 7.00am and we expected that there would be a traffic jam in Puxi as today is a working day. Our driver tried to find other roads with less traffic jam. We actually spent at least one hour from our apartment before leaving Shanghai city vicinity. Upon leaving Shanghai, it was smooth on the highway not like when we went to Suzhou. We spent about 3 hours on the road before arriving at Hangzhou.

On our way to the destination, there were few times we were pursued by the local people asking whether we want a tourist guide or not. Our driver said that because they saw our car plate is from Shanghai, that's why they want to do business. Actually, it is dangerous for them as they were waiting at the road side. When the traffic light turns red, they will walk into the middle of road and knock the window of the car asking for business.

It was a bit far when we exited highway from toll to the destination. When we arrived at the West Lake, mummy and daddy was shocked to see so many people visiting the "岳王庙" and along the west lake although today is a working day. Why was there so many people visiting. We just could not imagine if we come in the weekend. This round we chose to visit the North side of West Lake.

We asked our driver to drop us at the end of east side of north place so that we can walk from east to west to cover the Northern part. Mummy let Ethan have his milk before we walked down from the car. The outside air was cool and we let Ethan wear his jacket. Ethan was excited and full of energy. He likes to walk along the lake which freaked his parent out as there was not any partition between the road and lake. Anyone can fall down inside the lake if he/she is careless. We tried to hold Ethan's hand while taking the photo. Really hard for us especially Ethan likes to run around. The road is also not safe as people rented the bike and bicycle to ride on the way. Besides that there were also some mini buses taking visitors who doesn't want to walk the long stretch of road.

After walking for some distance we arrived at one of the garden. Ethan told us that he wanted to pee and he had done it. After that we rested for a while and walked around the big green space garden.

Inside the garden, there was quite some unique kind of chairs placed within the garden. Some is the half face of the man and some with whole face but flat head for people to sit on it. Ethan enjoyed sitting there and refused to walk away unless we take photo of him with the chair. Really cheeky boy.

Ethan and daddy with willow tree
At one end of the park, there was a statue of "鲁迅". We took some photo with the statues before headed to other places.

After the statues, we came to the building call "林社".

When we walked to the end before the bridge to cross back to the main road, there was a building located beside the entrance. It was a museum regarding the Chinese printing history. We went inside for a look since it was free entry.

On the way we walked along the lake, there was lot of tomb facing the west lake, those are the famous people like "苏小小","武松" and etc. And the tomb seems like become the tourist attraction to the west lake. Lots of people were taking photo with the tomb.

After having our lunch, we went out to another sightseeing site. This round Ethan was throwing his tantrum. He insisted that he wanted to stand in front of the sign board where lot of other people were waiting to take their photo. We have to hold him away and manage to calm him down but he wanted to play with daddy's camera. When daddy refused to let him play with the camera, he cried aloud so mummy have to pacify him. Then he requested to drink milk but we didn't have it with us. We didn't carry along his milk with us when we were visiting the attraction, we left it in the car. We wondered why he requested for milk as he just had his lunch at KFC?

Even though his mood became good again but his mouth still continued to request for milk. We just cut short the trip by taking few photo before we left for the place.

Attracted by the fishes inside the pond

While waiting for the driver to pick us up, we were waiting in front of the "岳王庙". We took some photo in front of this temple. We didn't walk inside the temple as it was late for us. When we called for driver , it was already 3 something in the afternoon. Considering that driving back to Shanghai would perhaps need at least 3 hour back, we have no time to visit.

After we have gotten into the car, the first thing that mummy did was to prepare milk for Ethan. After he had his milk, he fell asleep on our way home... We had terrible traffic jam when arrived in Shanghai and Ethan woke up during the jam and he managed to see few airplane flew by in the sky.

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