Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First field trip for Ethan in the school

Every on and off the school will distribute the school newsletter to the parents. This week the theme is "Land Transport", the teacher has created and painted the K2A Bus using the cardboard in the classroom. There is a field trip next week for the kids and their parent are requested to sign the permission slip. The parent need to prepare snacks for their own kids, so mummy is still thinking of what food should let Ethan bring.

The purpose is to let the children experience a real bus. This one is not new to Ethan as his parent will take him to ride the shuttle bus every week when there is no driver. He has even taken the subway before. Besides this, the school also requested parent volunteer to bring their car to the school and show it to the children. As part of the theme, the car will be washed and let the kid have fun.

The difference between the education here and Malaysia is that Ethan doesn't have homework. Here is more emphasis on creativity. Everyday, he just goes to school to sing, dance, play, listen to the story book from the teacher and do some art work. That's all. Really no pressure here right, as mummy does not need to worry about Ethan whether he has finished his homework or not.

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