Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fresh morning visiting the GuZhong Park(古钟园)

Seeing that the weather forecast mentioned that it was a raining day today so we just opt for the nearest place. This round we went to Nanhui District where we do not need to go across to Puxi. When we started our journey, there was some rain and mummy was worried that it would still be raining when we arrived. Luckily, the luck was on our side. When we arrived at the destination, there was no rain. Mummy fed Ethan with milk before we got down from the car. As we know that when we entered the park, Ethan will throw the tantrum if he is hungry and tired.

After having had the milk, Ethan became the energetic bunny. He walked inside the park with us. The air was fresh in the morning especially after the rain. When we arrived there, not many people was in the park. Maybe it was because of the rain and the cold weather.

After visited so many parks, one conclusion is that the park in Shanghai mainly has the pond for people to row boat and there are a lot of tree. Even the basic is still the same but every time we visited the park, we have those kind of feeling that "Wow, another beautiful park". This one is also of no exception. We kind of like this park as you can relax and peacefully enjoy the scenery of the park especially the air was so fresh and cozy weather in the morning.

There was a small rock formation. This one does not have any pavilion on the top but it was planted with lot of vines trees. A bit different from those that we visited before.

There was a pavilion in the middle of the lake. The pavilion is accessible by a zig-zag bridge platforms. Ethan just likes it and he can stand on the zig-zag bridge watching people row the boat. He even sing the song, "Row! Row a boat".

Standing beside the rail enjoying the view

Pay attention watching people row the boat and happily smiling

In the middle of the park, we found that main attraction that brought us here - the "Old Bell".
Daddy took lots of photo of the bell while mummy was busy taking Ethan's photo with the bell.

After the bell, we rested inside one of the building where you can view the scenery of the park. Ethan was just like the monkey climbing up the railing and trying to see whether the lake has any fishes or not. Really need to take double care of him as he also bent his body to view into the lake.

Taking the photo with his parent

Sometimes in order to lure Ethan to leave certain place, we need to find and use some tricks. Like the photo below, mummy placed Ethan to walk on the top of the divider then he was only willing to walk. At first, he was a bit afraid as he need to walk on the top of divider with the pond just beside him. Mummy had to hold him until a certain place where it was more safety and lower then only let him walked by himself.

Mummy asked to lift up his hand to balance his body while walking

Posting some cute and innocent face

After we explored for some time, we have met our driver in the park so we took the opportunity to take his photo with Ethan.

Our driver with Ethan
Before we leave the park, we entered another side of the park that was the amusement park. At first seeing lot of parent was taking the photo of their kids' riding the merry 'go' round. Mummy though that the merry 'go' round was already broken so let people to take photo. When we wanted to place Ethan on one of the horse there the guide started to collect money. We quickly brought Ethan out because we knew that he will afraid of riding this by himself. We brought him to walk further inside where there was the train track. We chose this as it requires adult to accompany the kid. We paid RMB2 for these train track ride. Ethan was free.
Mummy purposely chose the front seat so that daddy can take a good photo of Ethan when we were having the ride. At first round, mummy have to remind Ethan to stand up and wave to his daddy when we reach the station so that daddy can take the photo. After one round, Ethan will automatically stand up and wave his hand to his daddy when we reached certain place. We have 3 rounds on the train track. Ethan really had fun with this train track but luckily he didn't request to take the train again.
After the train ride, Ethan wanted to ride the horse which mummy just asked daddy to take the photo instead. Ethan was willing to let daddy hold him away after taking some photo of him. We left the place at noon but the weather was windy and cool so we didn't know the time until our stomach starts to growl.

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