Saturday, February 20, 2010


Tell you. Ethan is very poor at memorizing things.
Seen some articles described the kid's memory is good especially when you read the same book over and over again for few times. The kid can remember the book's content and even corrected adults when wrongly read to them. The situation is the same with songs.


We did not see any such sign on Ethan. So far he only remember the "Twinkle Twinkle little Star" which this one he had memory of it when he was about age 2+. Other than that, he did not remember any whole song even though we tried to teach him the song " Row Row a Boat" which the lyric is so short but he still cannot remember all. He will miss a few words or sentences. Emm... Recently, he did show us that he knew a few songs which he learned from school but he still only can remember the few first lyric of the song.

Since he cannot remember the lyric of the song so that we did not expect him to remember or memorize the content of the book. So far he did not memorize any books mother had been reading to him. He only remember that the books had been read before to him. This had been proven when mother took the whole stack of books from library shelve. He told mother which books had been read to him before.

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