Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another new beach

We had a surprise when we found this beach while we were wandering around in Balik Pulau. The beach was nice and clean. Found that a lot of people came to the beach for fishing. Since this was unexpected so we did not bring water or cloth to clean up our legs. However, we still can't resist going down to the sandy beach. So just let it be sandy feet.

This time, Ethan was a bit brave to walk towards the sea and let the wave soak his legs but still holding on to adult's hand. By himself, no way as he is still very safety conscious.

Asking his daddy to follow his post

Holding daddy hand to soak his legs with the sea water

Before we wanted to go back, mother asked daddy to bring Ethan to wash his legs in the sea water. For adult, we just let use our hand to get rid of the sand. When we were heading back towards the car, daddy said "hi" to one of the hawker uncle there who was setting up his store. He told daddy to wash the legs in the drain. According to him, the water in the drain is from the mountain. We washed it before we went back to our car. Ah, we should take the photo of the drain. The water was so clear....

We will come back again to this place and the next round will be more prepared or maybe it is a picnic again.

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