Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Maths worksheet

We did not expect that Ethan can finish the worksheet so fast. He can finish one book in one week. Now he already finished the three books and one of them is for K2. Recently he started on another two maths books which mother still hesitated whether wanting to let him do. Mainly because in the book there are a lot of questions like ? + 4 = 9 or ? - 6 = 2 . Mother is afraid that he gets confused especially when subtraction need to convert to addition in order to get the answer. But after he had no problem in doing it for the K2 book so mother just gave him a try. Surprisingly he can accept.

We cannot say that Ethan had done all the worksheet by himself. On and off he will come and ask us if he is not sure of certain answers. Other than that he will do them by himself. All he wants is mother to mark his worksheet and he get the "Stars" on it. Sometimes we even have to stop him from continuing to do it until too late at night. In this situation, he will bargain with us. He really loves to do maths.

The book above was requested by him to buy when we were at "Popular Bookstore". We don't know why but we respected his choice.

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