Saturday, October 24, 2009

Out and in fun fun fun

We promised to bring him to the playground and we did. We arrived there quite a bit late so we can felt warmth sun shone on the playground. As long as he has fun it was enough. We stayed a while at outdoor playground and he asked daddy to help him on the monkey bar. He has few slide and he met one talkative boy. The kids had a short chat before we left.

We didn't head back home but instead brought him to the indoor playground at the clubhouse. We did not bring him to swim because he left his swimming suit in Kedah after the holiday. He had fun indoor while mummy read the newspaper. Ethan didn't not want to go home after persuading him for few times. At last we promised to bring him back again.

He played with the kitchen set and he cooked some food for mummy.

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