Monday, October 26, 2009

More or Less lesson

Add or minus were not a problem for him so far but not for the more or less in number. Mummy did teach him more or less but he seems like still cannot get it. If given the object to count then it works for him. However, by only giving him the number and asked him which one is more and which one is less, it does not work.

Today mummy wants to find a remember game for him to play but is unsuccessful. Daddy only took the deck of cards for Ethan. Seeing Ethan arranges it and non stop asking why got "joker " or " why got " A". Em, mummy quickly had an idea to use this card to teach him the more or less.

First mummy placed a paper on the chair for him and wrote down Ethan and mama on the paper. Asking Ethan to choose one of the card then is mama's turn to choose a card. We compared with each other which person got the bigger or smaller number. Mummy asked Ethan to jot down the number we have then told him that 5 is less than 7 or vice verse. He was having fun with the card.

At night we even played a gambling with him and we asked him to add up the cards he chose compared to his parents'. Our purpose is to let him add the number up and not the gambling. He loves the game and asked us to continue the game until we cannot stand it anymore. We have to stop him and asked him to sleep.

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