Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hot spring

At first we did not plan to affect Ethan's school day but after some consideration of the price of the hotel, we let him "ponteng" the class for one day. If we stay during the weekend, we will need to pay RM220 per day but now we only pay RM135 per day. The difference is so huge so we sacrificed Ethan's school day. So bad the parents.

We arrived at the hotel around 2pm just in time for us to check in. The room was huge and we taken a rest for a while before we explored around the area. At first we just walked around from hotel to the hot pool. Wah! It was quite far away and the weather was hot. We sweat a lot and we planned not to walk back again to the pool after changing the swimsuit. We have to walk back to hotel to change the swimsuit then daddy drove the car to the destination.

The water was really/superbly hot. We just stood beside and already can felt the heat coming out from the pool. Daddy brought Ethan to the other side of the pool and headed back after a while. We let Ethan play at the pool side so daddy can walk to the other side.

We headed back to hotel after having had fun at the pool. Had our bath and gotten ready for dinner. Ethan had fallen asleep on our way to dinner. He missed out the dinner. Daddy held him in sleeping position while enjoying the salted chicken. Ethan only wakes after we finished our dinner and was on our way back to the hotel. Ethan only get to drink the milk before he slept once again.

The next day, we are headed to restaurant to have our breakfast. Not bad the food. We took some photos in the morning catching the fresh air after breakfast. We walked back to the hotel to change into our swimsuit again, this time we walked because of the good weather.

We went to the cool pool first before we enter the hot pool. We were so bad luck, the cool pool just shut down starting today for maintenance. No wonder yesterday got so many people came to enjoy and the hotel rate was lower. We just hang around before we walked to the hot pool.

This round the hot pool was not so hot compared to yesterday. Was it because the cool morning air? We assumed that it is. Ethan enjoyed the splash again in the pool.

After the pool, we headed back to the hotel to have a bath, it was time to get ready to check out at 12pm. Before we left we took group photo in front of the hotel.

We headed back to Penang direction but we wanted to visit the Kellie Castle before ending our trip.

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