Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spash for the fun

This is the first time we brought Ethan to swim since we were back. Sure, he loves to play and splashes but he is still afraid of the water going into his eyes.

He tried to slide down by using his hand and feet to control the speed. Daddy and uncle were waiting for him

Lastly, daddy brought him to the deeper side of the pool. He felt excited but nervous at the same time. He just swam for a while then he walked at the rock side.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Motor skilled training

On and off mummy will let Ethan use the scissor to cut the things. Last time we let him used the plastic scissor but now upgraded it. Sometimes in order to occupy Ethan instead of letting him disturb us, mummy will let him do something.

This round mummy let him practices his motor skill. Mummy doesn't know whether he can follow the line to cut or not. Given him the Tesco booklet and asked him to cut out the Milo advertisement in the middle of the page. Yes and he did it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Borrowed the book

Finally we went to apply for our library cards nearby the Sunshine square public library. We registered under the family package so that we can borrow more books. We fully utilized our cards by borrowing 12 books. One book for daddy and 11 books for Ethan. Mummy did not find any suitable book.

Mummy is a bit of disappointed because not many BM story books. All the BM books are suitable for those grown up/teenager and not for the age or level like Ethan. Daddy said we will try the Children public library this weekend, that side might have more. So this round is all English story books.

At night Ethan gets to listen to the story books.

See how serious he looked at the book after mummy read them to him

Monday, October 26, 2009

More or Less lesson

Add or minus were not a problem for him so far but not for the more or less in number. Mummy did teach him more or less but he seems like still cannot get it. If given the object to count then it works for him. However, by only giving him the number and asked him which one is more and which one is less, it does not work.

Today mummy wants to find a remember game for him to play but is unsuccessful. Daddy only took the deck of cards for Ethan. Seeing Ethan arranges it and non stop asking why got "joker " or " why got " A". Em, mummy quickly had an idea to use this card to teach him the more or less.

First mummy placed a paper on the chair for him and wrote down Ethan and mama on the paper. Asking Ethan to choose one of the card then is mama's turn to choose a card. We compared with each other which person got the bigger or smaller number. Mummy asked Ethan to jot down the number we have then told him that 5 is less than 7 or vice verse. He was having fun with the card.

At night we even played a gambling with him and we asked him to add up the cards he chose compared to his parents'. Our purpose is to let him add the number up and not the gambling. He loves the game and asked us to continue the game until we cannot stand it anymore. We have to stop him and asked him to sleep.

Knowing myself - part 3

Ethan gets to play a simple game under the knowing myself theme. Before that mummy already taught him about the name of the body part on the whiteboard, some exercises and the story book knowing myself.

Flashed the flashcard for Ethan is a failure task for mummy, he doesn't like it. The flashcard thing cannot work for him at his age anymore. Now, the method is only reading the story book to him constantly and waiting for his willingness to remember the words.

Actually when letting Ethan play this game, mummy has no high hope on him because already stop reading and teaching him for quite some time. Luckily he still remember it.

So far this method can work for him. It was a big encouragement for mummy to add other theme for him to learn Chinese words. Later will try to do the same thing in Bahasa Malaysia.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

At the end...

In the end, not much revision had been done because mummy doesn't know what to do. At first mummy just read the book like what mummy did for other story books. So only two books. The rest gave up. Just let it be. Guessed the kindy teacher should have done some revision with them. Hope so....

Let him be happy at home since already so much academic at the school.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Out and in fun fun fun

We promised to bring him to the playground and we did. We arrived there quite a bit late so we can felt warmth sun shone on the playground. As long as he has fun it was enough. We stayed a while at outdoor playground and he asked daddy to help him on the monkey bar. He has few slide and he met one talkative boy. The kids had a short chat before we left.

We didn't head back home but instead brought him to the indoor playground at the clubhouse. We did not bring him to swim because he left his swimming suit in Kedah after the holiday. He had fun indoor while mummy read the newspaper. Ethan didn't not want to go home after persuading him for few times. At last we promised to bring him back again.

He played with the kitchen set and he cooked some food for mummy.

Party in the school

One notice had been inserted in Ethan's school bag regarding the party in the kindergarten. Parents are requested to provide some food. The first thing that mummy think about is no junk food for him to bring to school. So mummy went to supermarket to buy two bags of raisin.

So far Ethan has been receiving three bags of junk foods from his classmate's birthday since he went to this kindy. In the end, all the junk food had gone to the parents' stomach. We did not let him eat it. So far he only get to choose to eat the lollipop but he never finished it.

No offense or hurting feeling to those Ethan's classmates' parent. Knowing that all of you have been kind to give the goodies and share the happiness of your kid's birthday but mummy disagree to buy junk food and distribute to the kids.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Revision or not...

Today when mummy went to pick Ethan from the kindy, the teacher handed over a bag full of books. Asked mummy to do the revision with Ethan. The teacher said that there will be an exam about one week beginning Nov month.

Actually the teacher had already informed yesterday, only that mother didn't care because she does not plan to do any revision with Ethan. We didn't want to pressure him with the exam.

Since the teacher asked then mummy may need to go through the books. See whether need to do the revision or not.

In plant the love seed

Reading to Ethan while he is drinking his milky has become a norm for us recently. Whenever mummy gives him a bottle of milk and water, he will lay down and so does mother. Mummy reads the story books for him while he enjoys his milk. After he finishes his milky, we still lay down until all the books are finished. Ethan has his milk at least twice a day. Morning and night so it mean he gets to listen to the story books at least twice a day. Sometimes when he just woke up from the nap or before the nap, mummy also read the story books to him.

He enjoys listening to the story until he will bargain or negotiate with mummy when mummy finished reading all the books. Mummy has to reject him because it is time for him to go to bed, sometimes he buy into this but sometimes not as he will counter propose to read another one or two for him. After finishing the additional books, he will be satisfied and willing to go to his dreamland.

Sometimes it took us about more than 30minute to enjoy all the books. Just like today after mummy finished reading all the book then only realized that the time was 8.29am which meant it was time to go to the school and Ethan still hasn't taken his bath. Both of us just ignore the time while enjoying the books.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Worry about this language

Guessed a lot of Chinese parents will be worried about their kids in term of learning Bahasa Malaysia. So does mother. Mother got a bad experience in learning BM and also poor in BM. Besides that mummy did hear about parents complaining about the standard 1 student being requested to construct sentences in BM. Their kids not interested in learning BM and blah blah .....

Mother worried about it when we are back to Malaysia. Afraid that Ethan cannot accept the BM, gets mixed up and confused with English. These few weeks, Ethan occasionally surprised us as he will pop out some of the BM words like nenek, susu, mata and sayur. Mummy knows that all the credit belonged to the teacher in the school as shamed to say we did not teach him any BM at home. Mummy knows that this is not a big deal for some parents but for it is a great head start for Ethan. What can we expect as he only learn this language for 3 months plus. Besides that he also can pronounce some of the "Suku Kata' when we asked him to.

Today he surprised us again. He picked up the "Kaya" on the table we bought for the bread. He tried to read the word "Kaya" by pronouncing 'ka' and 'ya' then he said combined became Kaya. Even his pronunciation was not really accurate but we were pleased that he tried his best.

Seeing that he can accept the BM, so mummy plans to start reading the BM story book to him. (If possible pass this task to daddy since he always claimed he scored As in BM). So far he only listen to the English and Chinese story books. Since mummy still newbie of choosing the BM book so we will start by borrowing the book from the public library. Now the first things we need to do is to become library members.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ethan visited the Kellie's Castle

We have made the decision to visit the Kellie's Castle since yesterday. We have checked out of the hotel before noon time. When we arrived at Batu Gajah, it was already 12.30pm. So we had a yummy lunch first at my brother in law's favorite family restaurant.

We headed towards the castle after we have had our lunch. Wow, the castle was awesome and beautiful. Only one things no good is the weather was too hot. What to do it was in the middle of the afternoon. Try to comfort ourselves that hot sun means that we can take nice photos. We bought the entrance ticket at RM4.00 per person (Malaysia citizen price) and free of charge for the kids.

We brought along the umbrella when we walked into the castle. By the time we walked into the castle, rossy cheek was shown on Ethan's face. He was sweating a lot. We took some photos at the corridor of the castle and outside. We visited the rooms one by one.

Mummy and Ethan only walked until level 2 and daddy himself explored the the top level. Mummy didn't want to bring Ethan as the instruction said that it is a bit dangerous for kids. We waited in one of the pavilion nearby the castle for daddy.

Before we left the castle, we took a lot of group photo or family photo with the castle. We didn't spend too much time at the castle. It was too hot and everybody was sweating and wanted to go home.

Overall we were satisfied with the trip. Maybe will visit again when Ethan has grown up few more years later.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hot spring

At first we did not plan to affect Ethan's school day but after some consideration of the price of the hotel, we let him "ponteng" the class for one day. If we stay during the weekend, we will need to pay RM220 per day but now we only pay RM135 per day. The difference is so huge so we sacrificed Ethan's school day. So bad the parents.

We arrived at the hotel around 2pm just in time for us to check in. The room was huge and we taken a rest for a while before we explored around the area. At first we just walked around from hotel to the hot pool. Wah! It was quite far away and the weather was hot. We sweat a lot and we planned not to walk back again to the pool after changing the swimsuit. We have to walk back to hotel to change the swimsuit then daddy drove the car to the destination.

The water was really/superbly hot. We just stood beside and already can felt the heat coming out from the pool. Daddy brought Ethan to the other side of the pool and headed back after a while. We let Ethan play at the pool side so daddy can walk to the other side.

We headed back to hotel after having had fun at the pool. Had our bath and gotten ready for dinner. Ethan had fallen asleep on our way to dinner. He missed out the dinner. Daddy held him in sleeping position while enjoying the salted chicken. Ethan only wakes after we finished our dinner and was on our way back to the hotel. Ethan only get to drink the milk before he slept once again.

The next day, we are headed to restaurant to have our breakfast. Not bad the food. We took some photos in the morning catching the fresh air after breakfast. We walked back to the hotel to change into our swimsuit again, this time we walked because of the good weather.

We went to the cool pool first before we enter the hot pool. We were so bad luck, the cool pool just shut down starting today for maintenance. No wonder yesterday got so many people came to enjoy and the hotel rate was lower. We just hang around before we walked to the hot pool.

This round the hot pool was not so hot compared to yesterday. Was it because the cool morning air? We assumed that it is. Ethan enjoyed the splash again in the pool.

After the pool, we headed back to the hotel to have a bath, it was time to get ready to check out at 12pm. Before we left we took group photo in front of the hotel.

We headed back to Penang direction but we wanted to visit the Kellie Castle before ending our trip.