Friday, July 10, 2009

Hunt for the Kindergarten

Today is the Kindergarten Hunting day for Ethan. We wanted to send him to the kindergarten as we know the kindy in Malaysia at his age already started to teach the kids writing, phonics, Malay language and so .. . He didn't learn all these during his one year in Shanghai. In order to reduce the gap we have to find the kindy fast for him so he can study together. Today we only manage to visit 3 kindergartens. Two kindy were willing to accept Ethan but not for the last one as the class is full. The teacher there asked us to leave our name and contact number.

Mummy is a bit shocked by looking at the books shown by the kindergarten principle or teacher. At his age, he has to learn the addition and also the subtraction for maths. Besides the maths, mummy also concern about the homework workload and the exam given by the kindy. Really too pressure but what to do, this is the Malaysian education model.

Overall there was not much choices as mummy didn't want to travel far from the our house. We plan to enroll him next week and hope that he can start on 15 of July.

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