Thursday, July 16, 2009


Mummy was safe while guiding him to do the homework at first day because the first day homework was maths. He loves number so not a problem and he wants to do so himself. But today needed to write the alphabet and some more inside the line, it was a bit tough for him. He refused to write it and kept on asking mummy to hold his hand to write. Mummy had to hold his hand at initial stage but after few times, he still wanted mummy to hold his hand to complete it then it was excessive. So mummy gave up and waited for daddy to guide him. Hoped that daddy is more patient and he is willing to listen and try his best. "Mana tau" he was even more "manja" with his dad. In the end we have no choice but to hold his hand and completed it.

This was only the second day, mummy already felt the pressure. Mummy really cannot imagine the future. Mummy even has devilish thought of sending him for full day if the teacher can make sure he completes all his homework before he comes home.

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