Friday, July 31, 2009

He is not happy

Mummy did feel that Ethan is not happy with his current kindergarten. Why say like that is because everyday he wakes up, the first thing he will tell his mum is "I don't want to go to school". Everyday he will repeat the same sentence in Mandarin or in English. But mummy has no choice because cannot compared the local kindergarten with international school.

He doesn't smile when mummy sent him to the school and he eagerly wanted to go home when mummy came and pick him. Asked about his school life and he doesn't want to said much. So the mummy has to ask teacher whether he has socialize and talk to other kids. Well, the answer is "yes" but Ethan still doesn't know what his new friends' names.

When he is back from school, mummy tried to balance his life. However the first few weeks in the school mummy failed to do that because of the homework. Recently, the situation is much better because Ethan manages to finish his homework fast. So he got the spare time for other activities ...

Hope to see his happy face soon when sending him to the kindergarten

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chinese Character

Today when picking up Ethan, Mummy did ask his teacher regarding Ethan's progress in the school. The teacher's feedback was that Ethan doesn't want to write the Chinese Character in the class. Mummy asked whether eventhough he sees his classmates all doing so he still doesn't want? Yup. He doesn't want. Teacher's comment was that maybe the Chinese Character is too difficult for him.

Mummy didn't worry about it because mummy has confidence in Ethan. He totally doesn't have any basic at all so it is unfair to compare him with his classmates. His first Chinese word from the school is "瓜" and this is way too hard for him. He needs some time. Recently seen that he tremendously improved for his writing in number and alphabet so mummy thought that it should not be a problem for him. He only need to practise. Mummy had made him a booklet of Chinese characters for him to practise. Mummy started with those simple words in order to build up his confidence. One day one word for him.

Mummy DIY the cheapest book. Almost everything is either recycle or free. Recycle paper and free pen taken by daddy from the hotel.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Scribble around from indoor to outdoor

My mummy let me have free style scribble on the paper after seeing me stressed in the kindergarten. Yup, I drawn something on the paper but didn't asked me what is it.... Mummy had moved me from the indoor to outdoor after she thought that it was a bit hot indoor....



Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today we went to the Relau playground. We wanted to let Ethan have fun and relax after his stressful week in the kindergarten.

At first, Ethan was a bit confused. He was a bit slow in getting up his mood. Daddy had to hold his hands and brought him up and slide him down. After a few rounds then he only open his heart to accept it. Guessed he was comparing it with the playground he used to play at.

After playing for 30 minutes he told his parents that it was enough and he wants to go back. We were surprised that he told us he wanted to leave the playground. Normally in Shanghai, we need to threaten and asked him to go back. A bit weird.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rainbow Fish

Today mummy read a book called " A Rainbow Fish for You" for me before my nap time. I love the story and mummy promised to me that we will make the rainbow fish when I wake up from my nap. Ya....

After the nap, mummy kept her promise and she drew me a fish. My task was to color the fish like the rainbow. I followed step by step in the book.

Finally I finished coloring it. Now is start to do the fish scales

My el cheapo mummy used the recycle color paper once again to do the scale. We folded the paper and drew a few lines. Mummy let me try to cut and she also did so. In the end, my scale cannot be used so I have to use mummy's one.

Glue the fish scale and written the artist name(mummy holding my hand) but I wrote down the 04 because the it is book number 4.

Completed it, of course need to let people view. Before that , let me take a picture with my rainbow fish...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Crazy for this box

Ethan got this mini computer from his grandfather. He is hooked on it every minute and second. Mummy doesn't really like him spending his whole day with this box. Everyday he wakes up and back from the school, the first thing he does is sit in front of it.

Mummy has to put away this thing. He asked for it when he cannot find it at its usual place. Mummy said no more computer for him. He accepted it but when daddy returns home, he will ask his daddy to give him the computer and he always get to play with it. Mummy said daddy spoils the rule. When he is with mummy, he didn't mention about this box but with daddy he will request for it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Car Wash

Hurray! I can wash the car...
Mummy does not need to ask for help, this little fellow will automatically volunteered himself

I'm waiting for mummy on the tap....

I get to have fun with the water, let me start from the wheel of the car then the body of the car...

See, how serious I lap the car....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bathing toy

In order to lure Ethan to bathe. Mummy has to use these toy to lure him. Mummy get these toys from Tesco the other day. It was so cute and it did work for a while. At first mummy just opened the turtle and after Ethan lose interest then added another froggy for him. Surely I will run out of these bath toys one day. Now mummy still has two in the drawer which are the dolphin and ducky....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Observation - Durian

Ouch! This round is durian. Mummy wants to introduce the local fruit to me again.. She asked me to touch the fruit. What I said is "Ouch ! Ouch ! Ouch!" for this fruit.

I did try the fruit but I did not fall in love with it.

Planted his own chili plant

Mummy had a though to plant the new chili plant at the backside of our house after seeing that the old one is gradually not growing much chili. Took the red chili seeds and put in the house for few days. Left it there and didn't take the next action for quite some time.

Today mummy made a move but not mummy doing the work. Mummy let Ethan plant the chili in the small pot. Ethan felt happy and willing to do so. Mummy prepared all the necessary tools, soil and chili for Ethan.

Let him fill the pot with the soil and thrown a few chili inside it. Final step was to water the pot.

What to do now is "WAIT"... Mummy cannot guarantee whether the chili can grow or not. Let us wait and see....If the seeds can be grow to be a plant, guessed Ethan will be the most happiest people as he personally planted it...

Dangerous fire...

What was Ethan looking at with his blur and sleepy face.

It's fire. Daddy had burned some dry leaves at our backyard. Mummy told that this was his chance to witness with his own eye the fire and reminded him how dangerous it is to play with fire and asked him to stay away from fire.

My sleep in ....

Ethan used to sleep in the car on the way back from Kedah. Mummy will put some pillow on the car so Ethan will feel comfortable while sleeping...

Complete small mission

Hurray and give applause to mummy and Ethan. Mummy finally managed to guide Ethan to write from 1 to 9 without mummy holding his hand. During the time in Shanghai, he already knew how to write in 1, 2, 3, 4,7 and 10. But when he came and attend the school, he is totally lost and cannot write the 2 and 3. We don't know why..?

After he attended the 3rd day in kindy, mummy aggressively encouraged him to write the numbers. He finally knew how to write the rest of the numbers. Mummy had cheerfully shouted louder when he completed writing the number 8. At first mummy told him to draw two circles to form the 8 like just what his Shanghai teachers told mummy. The teacher's daughter cannot write the 8 like us adults. So mummy used the same method but.... Ethan cannot connect the two circles together. So mummy had to teach him to write like what we adult do. Guessed mummy underestimate him, he can write this way. Well, this has to thank to his "S"alphabet because mummy taught him to write the "S" first then just continue to close the gap.

Now, mummy has the confidence again to guide Ethan. Now the task left is to teach him to write the alphabets and Chinese characters.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Need to find a way...

Ethan really hates writing but everyday he's back with homework. Everyday mummy needs to guard and accompanies him to do the homework. If not after one hour later the homework will still be blank. During the time he is alone, he will just flip the book and look at it then continue to flip. He will never follow the teacher's instruction. He will flip and then asks his mummy to help him do that particular page he likes.

Today mummy has told the teacher regarding what he has done to those pages behind. The teacher said by the time they teach till that page, they will erase it and ask him to do it once again. Today, mummy purposely asked the teacher to let mummy bring back the mathematics book because Ethan loves to do the maths. Besides that mummy also ask the teacher regarding Ethan's blending into the class. Teacher said he was a bit slow compared to other kid in the way on writing. What to do, Ethan has a big gap compared with other kids.

Since Ethan hates the writing so mummy has to think of other method to lure him to write... Headache....

Observation -papaya tree

Asked Ethan regarding the papaya, Ethan gave mummy a blur face. He does not really know what it is. Guessed staying in Shanghai, he did not get to expose to this type of fruit. He only get to know of it from the photo. Luckily in our backyard we have planted a few papaya trees. So today, mummy brought him to view the actual tree.

He did not only get to see the tree, but mummy even wanted him to touch the papaya. In addition, mummy gets to pick one of the papaya tree leave and let him played with it. After this, he wouldn't give a blur face again when talking about papaya.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Mummy was safe while guiding him to do the homework at first day because the first day homework was maths. He loves number so not a problem and he wants to do so himself. But today needed to write the alphabet and some more inside the line, it was a bit tough for him. He refused to write it and kept on asking mummy to hold his hand to write. Mummy had to hold his hand at initial stage but after few times, he still wanted mummy to hold his hand to complete it then it was excessive. So mummy gave up and waited for daddy to guide him. Hoped that daddy is more patient and he is willing to listen and try his best. "Mana tau" he was even more "manja" with his dad. In the end we have no choice but to hold his hand and completed it.

This was only the second day, mummy already felt the pressure. Mummy really cannot imagine the future. Mummy even has devilish thought of sending him for full day if the teacher can make sure he completes all his homework before he comes home.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Chapter for him

Ethan needs to attend the local kindergarten today. Mummy have been worried about him whether he can adapt after he had so much fun in his previous school.

This morning mummy had to wake him up as he kept on saying that he wanted to sleep more. Finally mummy managed to grab him up but we would be bit late if wanted to have a bath. So mummy just lapped his body and changed into the school uniform.

When we arrived at school, Ethan was a bit afraid of the new environment. He didn't respond to the teacher's greeting and only held mummy's hand tightly. After entering the building, Ethan refused to sit together with the other kids and we have to sit at the other side. After that mummy tried to comfort him by pulling him towards the crowd. He slowly accepted it but still holding mummy tightly. Then there was a time that all the kids need to enter the classroom. The teacher had asked the children to pick the chairs and arrange it. So mummy sang the "Tidy up" song for him just like what he heard in his previous school. While, listening to the familiar song, he begin to made a move. He did not only pick his own chair. He also pick the other kid's chair by asking her to stand up so he will take two chairs to the teacher. Then seeing the other kids were lining up to walk upstairs. Mummy told him to do the same. Before he went for the line up, mummy asked he to give a hug, kiss and rub the noses before mummy left the kindy. Mummy had assured him that by the time the clock shows 11.45am is the time mummy comes to pick him up.

At 11.30am, mummy arrived at the school, the teacher brought him out when seeing mummy. Mummy asked the teacher whether he was crying or not. Well the answer was "No". The teacher told mummy that Ethan need to do the homework. Mummy was a bit shock and worried that mummy cannot accomplish this task. Mummy drove Ethan home and gave him lunch. Reading some stories books to him before he took his nap. Safe for the first day...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Want him to sleep early

Recently Ethan wakes up very late when we are in Penang. Don't know why? In Shanghai, he will automatic wake up at 6 something. Today is the worst case, he even slept til 10.30am but this one can be explained because he slept very late at the night.

Today, mummy purposely doesn't want him to take a nap so he can wake up early tomorrow. He will attending the school. Hope he can wake up early tomorrow.....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

He missed his friends

These few days, mummy kept on telling him that we want to send him to kindergarten and the answer we get were "No, No , No". Mummy did ask him why and the feedback we get was " The school has no Michele and Alexandra" and also the teacher. We tried to convince him that maybe he will meet the new Michele or Alexandre at the new school but he still refuse it.

Now what we need is to cross our fingers and pray hard that he will not have culture shock when he starts at the kindergarten. Daddy always said he wants to train Ethan like "Cockroach" i.e. can adapt to any environment.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Maybe is him?

Ethan woke up with the scratch line near his eye. We didn't know how he got it but we suspected that he did it by himself during his sleep.

Karaoke set for him

Daddy accidentally found the Karaoka set while he was cleaning up his cabinet. According to daddy, this set had been given to him by his Japanese friends during the time daddy was in Japan. Even though the thing is a bit old and using the cassette tape instead of CD but it is still functional. Ethan enjoyed it and used the microphone to sing and dance. Ethan asked his parent to take his photo while his was dancing and singing.