Friday, May 15, 2009

Yew Chung Global Child Day

Today is the Yew Chung Global Child Day and we have to bring Ethan to the school even though it was not a schooling day for him. Ethan woke up quite late this morning and mummy received call from her friend asking whether mummy has arrived at the school or not. That time we still at home busy with Ethan. The function started at 9.00am and we arrived sharp. Luckily the school is inside Season Villas so we only need to take 5 minutes walk from our apartment.

When we arrived at the classroom, the teacher informed that the parents need to wait at the central garden so we have to leave Ethan. Ethan cried as he didn't want his daddy to leave might be due to daddy seldom send Ethan to school. When mummy walked to the central garden still can hear Ethan crying. Mummy's friend have reserved the chairs for us.

At 9.15am sharp, all the classroom students paraded towards the garden with their teachers. The show started with the K1 and K2 student performing "How does a kangaroo?" together with their teacher. Then followed by K3 students performing "The Twist". K4ABC students performed "The lion sleeps tonight, Kye Kye Kulai" followed by K4A, K4B "Kookaburra" and K4C" Standing on a mountain high". The last performance was "Care for our world" by all the students.

Some of the performance
After the show, there were classroom photo session but the kids will run around so not really can get the classroom photo. The teacher tried to place all the kid sitting on the floor but it didn't work out.

The show ended at 10 something and we walked back to our house. We took the shuttle bus to the Thumb Plaza to have our lunch. Ethan didn't take his nap today because we went to the second part of the Global Child Day at the main campus nearby our house.

We have to walk to the school as we switched our driver's working day to Sunday. This campus is new and bigger compared to Ethan's currently school. Beginning the new semester in August this year all the kindergarten students will be moved to this campus. Upon arrival at this campus, we were given the yellow passport book by the parent volunteer. Daddy written down Ethan's name and class.

A lot of people was busy setting up their own country's booths, some of the parents sat and waited for the show to start and some hang around like us. The weather was hot and we tried to avoid those places under the sun. We were lucky as we managed to choose the shady place before the show started.

Noticed the yellow passport book held by Ethan, it is the passport for Ethan

There were some performances such as singing and dancing by the student of this campus. After the show, the parade started by each countries' people holding their countries' flag.

Noticed the Malaysian flag?

Malaysia booth was decorated in green as the theme was "Rain Forrest and Rubber". Now is time to use the yellow passport book. Yellow passport book is for the kids to visit every booth and get the stamp. In order to gain the stamp, you have to answer some questions. The information you can get in the yellow passbook. Besides getting the stamp, some small gifts or food were given. Ethan was too small to answer to question so he just walked to the booth and get the stamp without needing to answer the questions. But some of booth insisted wanting the kids to answer the question even kids like Ethan's age. Mummy did see one of the parent complained that his son is in K4 so how to answer because he is not even good in reading. If K4 student cannot answer surely not the K2 student like Ethan. They asked the parent to answer for the kid.

When we first brought Ethan to the booth to get the stamp, he was still a bit blur about what is the book's purpose but after one two booths he gotten the idea. He will find the people to get the stamp on his books. Of course parent flipped the correct page for him. Ethan was a bit lucky when he joined the game at the Japan booth as he won himself a pokemon cartoon character toy. We didn't know what is that creature, don't know is a bad or good. He also get to have a lollipop. In the Japan booth, we asked Ethan's Japanese classmate's mummy to take our family photo with "Totoro". Ethan liked to go the US booth to get the popcorn and take the photo with "Mickey". US booth's theme was Disneyland.

After getting a few stamps from different booths, we went to line up for tasting the food from different countries. Our Malaysian people contributed the "Curry chicken and nasi kunyit". After we fed our stomach full we continued our journey again to bring Ethan to visit the remaining booths. Finally we managed to get all the chops from different countries. Ethan managed to get few small gifts like the eraser, handkerchief and etc.

We walked back our house after finished visiting all the booths. We were so tired that day so was Ethan. We let him sleep early....Unforgettable day for him.

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