Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chinese traditional clothing for Global Kids Day

Today we purposely went to the "Yu Garden". This was mainly because we wanted to buy the "Tang Clothing" for Ethan. The school has asked its student to wear their own country’s traditional clothing during the upcoming "Global Kids Day" on May 15. We are Chinese in Malaysia so definitely we would be wearing the "Tang Clothing" if not how we go to find the Malay clothing. Even when we were in Malaysia, we would not buy the Malay clothing for our kids especially boys.
Initially plan was mummy wanted to order it online because can get cheaper price. However after reconsidering, just thought why not try our luck. Whether or not can we get the same price as online so that we can save the shipping cost? We headed to "Yu Garden" as it has the most shops selling China traditional goods. We walked along the main street of Yu Garden, watching people bargaining and mummy didn't try to ask how much the clothing was. They asked for RMB80 then mummy just walked away even though the shop keeper asked mummy to give a price. We knew that on the main street, the price will not drop so much. So we walked to the side way shops where here was a bit distance from the main tourist streets and less tourists. We asked the price at one shop, the shop keeper wanted RMB75 but we said we wanted RMB40. Usual answer was she said cannot then she dropped the price to RMB68 but we still insisted RMB40. She asked why not add a bit higher. We walked away saying too expensive. After we walked away for about 20 feet then the shop keeper called us back as she agreed on the price we gave. We let Ethan tried the clothing.

Besides this we also wanted to buy another shoes for Ethan since his indoor shoes in the school is getting smaller. However the asking price was too high and shop keeper not willing to drop the price. So we ended up not buying.

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