Sunday, May 31, 2009

His way...

Recently Ethan fallen sick and we wanted to make sure that he didn't get those H1N1 flu
(since there are so many foreigners at his school). So we quickly brought him to "Parkway Medical Centre" to get the assurance. The clinic positioned a nurse outside the hospital and we have to take our temperature, sign and answer few questions in the form before we are allowed to enter the clinic.

After the doctor diagnosis, the doctor was firmed that it is not the H1N1 but was a bacteria attack. Doctor given Ethan antibiotic to take for a week. Mummy had some concern and asked the pharmacist regarding the taste of the medicine as mummy was afraid that Ethan doesn't want to eat it. The pharmacist told mummy that it is for kid and normally taste good. The medicine was in the form of powder which need to mix with water to drink.

The first dosage he drank it, he immediately pushed away and told us that the taste was not nice and he rejected to finish it. That time we have to use the hard way by using the syringe. At first he was struggling but later he felt that it was kind of fun. So when we gave him again the medicine, he requested us to give him the syringe as he wanted to inject into his mouth by himself. After finished injecting he pump the medicine again and inject into his mouth again. He likes this kind of method. Weird....but as long he drank it, we are OK with this.

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