Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rolling ! rolling!

We have ordered the water yesterday night and daddy had put the empty bottle beside the door. This is done so that it was easy when the delivery guy came and collect money from us. Ethan has his way of entertaining himself by using the bottle.

He rolled his body all over the place using the empty bottle. He liked the rolling part...

His way...

Recently Ethan fallen sick and we wanted to make sure that he didn't get those H1N1 flu
(since there are so many foreigners at his school). So we quickly brought him to "Parkway Medical Centre" to get the assurance. The clinic positioned a nurse outside the hospital and we have to take our temperature, sign and answer few questions in the form before we are allowed to enter the clinic.

After the doctor diagnosis, the doctor was firmed that it is not the H1N1 but was a bacteria attack. Doctor given Ethan antibiotic to take for a week. Mummy had some concern and asked the pharmacist regarding the taste of the medicine as mummy was afraid that Ethan doesn't want to eat it. The pharmacist told mummy that it is for kid and normally taste good. The medicine was in the form of powder which need to mix with water to drink.

The first dosage he drank it, he immediately pushed away and told us that the taste was not nice and he rejected to finish it. That time we have to use the hard way by using the syringe. At first he was struggling but later he felt that it was kind of fun. So when we gave him again the medicine, he requested us to give him the syringe as he wanted to inject into his mouth by himself. After finished injecting he pump the medicine again and inject into his mouth again. He likes this kind of method. Weird....but as long he drank it, we are OK with this.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Steamboat dinner

Tonight we had dinner with our friends. We wanted to try this restaurant for quite sometime seeing that the comment in the internet placed high recommendation. This restaurant is famous for its service but not the foods. Some of comments said that the food is so so but the service is the best. This restaurant even ranked No 1 best service in Shanghai.

Daddy had made the reservation at 6.00pm. We visited our friend's new house before going together for our dinner. Well, the restaurant people had call up daddy few times asking whether daddy has arrived or not. Guessed they didn't want to reserve the table if we were late and phew we managed to arrive sharp at 6.00pm.

We have ordered two flavor of soup, one side is mushroom soup and another side is Chilli oil soup. Ethan didn't really eaten much, maybe he was full after having his milky before we came here. The whole night, he didn't want to eat, he just like to help us put the vegetable, meat inside the steamboat. There was a girl entertaining him while his parents were eating. We have ordered his favorite steam egg but he still refused to take anything. At last, our friend asked whether got any toys for Ethan. Ethan got one plastic lion. Mummy didn't like the food at all after comparing what we have had before in Malaysia but seems like Shanghai people like it very much. The shop opens daily till midnight 3.00am.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hair dryer...

Mummy did notice that Ethan's hair was still wet when mummy wanted to put him to sleep. Last time mummy didn't use the hair dryer as she thought that his hair so little and can be dried faster but lately not the case. So in order not to let him sleep with wet hair, mummy used the hair dryer to blow his hair dry before letting him take his nap.

He feels "gerli" the first time as the wind blows around his neck and he also likes it. So nowadays he will on and off play with the hair dryer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Compress it..

We cannot store all his clothes inside the plastic box so we bought the plastic bag to store Ethan's winter clothes. We hoped after compressing the clothes it will have additional space when we want to ship back.

The curious and busy body boy always want to take a part. He has stopped his daddy from using the pump to suck the air from the plastic bag as he has observed the salesman in the supermarket demonstrating. He knew how to use it so he quickly grasped the pump when seeing us put his clothes inside the plastic bag. Daddy was inpatient with Ethan kept on stopping him from reaching the pump and sucking the air.

He did but not the mummy...

This book is one of the Curious George series. When mummy read this book to Ethan about George feeding the animals in the zoo, Ethan suddenly stopped his mummy from continuing to read as he want to show mummy that there was a notice board saying that " Don't Feed the Animals". He knows that it was wrong feeding the animals in the zoo but he was wondering why the book didn't mention it and keep on letting the George feeding animal by animal. Then mummy told him to patiently to let mummy finish reading the book. Yup, in the ending part of the book did mention that the zookeeper had stopped it and mentioned that it was wrong to do that.

With this case, it really proves that the author 松居直 is right about the kid stated in his book "幸福的种子". We, adult when reading the book, the first thing that we do is read the word to understand the story but for the kids they read the story through the picture and they really look at everything eventhough it is teeny weeny things. Mummy did not notice the notice board when reading the book above as mummy was concentrated on the words while Ethan, he did not only listen to the story but he also viewed through the pictures. Sometimes when mummy finished reading that page but still seeing him concentrated on looking at the picture. Mummy had to stop and waited for him. After he finished viewing the photo, he will give his mother a facial expression and body language to continue to the next page.

Can't believe it...

Mummy can't believe that mummy had already borrowed more than 300 books from the school library. Surprised when saw the record shown in the excel that mummy keeps tab. 170 in English books and 132 in Chinese books. Not bad as mummy only started to borrow the books in middle of Nov 2008.

Those books had been read to Ethan everyday. Some of the stories Ethan likes it and some he doesn't. Not to mention that some of the books had been chosen by Ethan himself when mummy brought him to the library.

Mummy didn't specify a particular reading time and place for Ethan like bedtime story at the bed especially after his nap. Sometimes will be in the hall, study room and sometimes in the car when he brings along. But one things for sure is before his nap time in the afternoon mummy will read some books to him before he takes his nap. This seems like a norm for him. As after reading the books he will be willingly to sleep without making any noise.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The biggest book he ever have...

When mummy ordered the book, mummy knew that the book is big but didn't expect it to be so big.

See Ethan taking the book to read, looks funny. The book is more than half his height. Normally this kind of book is for those kindergarten teacher to use to read the story to the students.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bible book for newly parent

This book can considered as a bible book for parents who wanted to choose the storybook for their kid. Mummy had borrowed it from the library and took a few days for mummy to finish reading it.

Well, the book has recommended 100 best books for the kid. Those books either have won the prize or 100 books must read books recommended by particular country. Actually mummy did consider to buy this book before but since can get it from library so no need to buy it anymore. From the 100 books recommended, most of the books mummy has read to Ethan before like "A dark dark tales", "The runaway Bunny', "Guess how much I love you" and etc. But some of the recommended books are still not available in China.

Beside recommending books, this book also teaches parents what is the meaning behind of the publisher's design of the book. We normally didn't care about the cover but some of the story starts from the cover etc.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer Bazaar @ Season Villas

Today our apartment's management team held a Summer Bazaar in the central garden. Daddy had brought Ethan along but mummy had to stay at home to prepare lunch. Ethan had met few of his classmates in the garden. Daddy mentioned that there were lots of thing selling but he didn't bring his wallet along as Daddy thought that we wanted to walk to bazaar again with mummy. But in the end, we didn't walk there after the lunch because lazy and also it started to rain.

Cheapo English book…

Today finally arrived the English storybook that mummy had been ordering past two days ago. Overall mummy was satisfied with them. There was only one book which mummy didn’t expect it to be so small. What to do the price is so cheap.

Getting the English books in China (either you buy it from bookstore or through the school) which is new and in good condition are extremely expensive even though they are printed in China. English books will be exported and re-imported again. This imposed the tax so the price will be superbly higher. Last time mummy would only buy the English books in Malaysia but recently found that ordering from online shop is cheaper. Of course cheap things came with the strings attached.

For those people who likes perfection, they will not choose the same channel like mummy. These cheap books were rejected by printing companies due to the quality issues. The quality issues are like the packaging of the book might be out of shape, the gluing not perfect or the cover has been folded. Usually this kind of problems. But mummy does not really care. As long as the content of the book is readable and perfect then mummy will accept it. No point buying in good condition as after Ethan flips through multiple time - the same degrading effect will happened. Saving money to buy more books.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Avoiding the hot playground

Today mummy purposely brought him to the playground near the club house because this playground is blocked from the sun by the building and the trees. But Ethan will on and off chose to play under the sun.

He likes to ride on the horse and butterfly.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Still delay due to Great China blog blockage

Tried the luck to see whether notebook SD card reader can function or not? Miracle happened. Don't know why it can work back again?? Hai, but even it can work, China had blocked the blogspot. We do not have access to the blogspot website anymore.

So there will be more delay of posting the blog. Daddy had suggested why not when we're back to Malaysia then only update the blog.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Block... his wooden toy

It was long long time mummy didn't bring out this wooden toy for him. When mummy brought out the block, the first thing he said was "The school has the blocks". Sure every school will let the kids play with blocks.

"Mummy, I have house", "Look mummy, is rocket" and etc Ethan will say loudly when he finished arranging the blocks. The enjoyable part for him was when he helped his mummy arranged the blocks back into the wooden box. He will be extremely happy when mummy gave him the honor to put the last piece of block inside the box.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Homemade playdough

Mummy tried to made the homemade play dough for Ethan. But not successful. Really ugly the dough. We tried to use the dough to make Ethan's name on the paper and also the birthday cake.

Using 3 little sticks by coloring it as candles and asking Ethan to put insert on the dough. Finally placing some cherries that he picked from the central garden. When he finished decorating his cake with cherries, he pretended to blow the stick candle.

Hand craft

It was only a simple craft that mummy let Ethan do. Cut out the cupboard and asked Ethan to glue the color small hands on it and finished with it by putting the chopstick. Yup, he liked that. Later asked him to place his hands on the paper so mummy can draw his hands on the paper. All the art we have done was regarding the hand.

Now, Ethan likes to use cupboard hand by holding the chopstick when he wants to stop his mummy. Will show the hand and say "Stop, mama".