Friday, June 20, 2008

Joyful morning ride

At last no rain this morning. Ethan got to ride his bicycle around the community. He was so happy. When mummy asked him whether he wanted to go back home, he just shaken his head and continued his ride.

Before that only get to ride at home

Get ready to go out for the ride

The weather was getting hot and Ethan already rode for more than 30 minute, finally he was willing to go back home. His whole head was sweating. Mummy tried to help him carry the bicycle but he just pushed away because he wanted to do it by himself. So he pushed his bicycle to enter the lobby of our apartment and then lifted and finally inside the house. Besides this mummy also noticed that Ethan already remembered the password of the door before entering the lobby. Mummy noticed by the own eye that Ethan press the correct password and the button.

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