Monday, June 30, 2008


Last few days mummy had bought two posters that teach subtraction and color. Well, for color it is Ok for Ethan in English but in Chinese, Ethan cannot remember them. Hope that slowly Ethan also can recognize the word and pronounces them in Chinese like the body parts.

Mummy found that it is very hard to teach Ethan maths especially the add and subtract (this two basic add and minus if cannot handle then no need to think about times and division). So yesterday when Ethan was sitting in the potty and in front of this poster, mummy took the opportunity to teach him subtraction. Mummy didn't know whether he understands the concept or not but he seemed to enjoy it.

Mummy was using the shoes as an object(since it was near the shoe rack that time was unprepared just grasped the things nearby). Like 4 -2 =2. Mummy will arrange 4 shoes in front of him and asked him to count them. Mummy than pointed the number 4 in poster and then said mummy took away two shoes (pointed to the poster again) then left how many? Asked him to count again (close the answer using the hand). He will count it and tell mother the number, then mummy will take away the hand and show him the answer in the poster is it same with his answer. If he sees the answer same as what he said, he will show the jubilant cheers.

So when he sits on the potty again, he will ask his mother to take out his shoes and play the game again. Like today he went and open the shoe rack and arrange the shoes by himself and asked mummy to play with him. Great is it? He loves it. So mummy now is thinking of taking other objects to substitute the shoes.


It have been a long time that mother didn't let Ethan do some in-house activities like coloring, playing the blocks and etc. Today need to start them back as mummy has found out that some of Ethan's skill is already regressing. Besides this, mummy also found out that Ethan is a left hander. Last time didn't notice it because he always alternately used both hands but today when he first starts to color he used his left hand. Mother tried to change him back to right hand and then later he changed back to left hand. So in order to monitor that he is using the right hand, mummy has to accompany him and insistingly requested him to use his right hand.

Today homework just flipped into mummy's mind! So just simply drawn a few shapes and asked him to color them. We just managed to finish two sheets of the coloring in the morning.

Mummy liked the idea that besides drawing the objects and let Ethan color to practice his hand skill, it also teaches him the words. Well, the above homework looks like very simple and ugly. What to do, mummy's drawing skill is not that good. Will improve it if given more time to practice.

Besides improving Ethan's skill, mummy also used the recycle paper to made Ethan's homework. Environmental friendly.

In the evening, Ethan requested his mother to let him color again. Since mummy hadn't prepare anything, so just passed him a blank paper. However, he refused and asked mother to draw something and let him color. Seems like in future not only Ethan is doing his homework, mummy also need to do the homework as well (preparing the homework for Ethan in next day).

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Madame Tussauds Shanghai

Since Ethan was still having a slight runny nose, this week we opted for indoor visit. We had chosen to go to the Wax Museum. We had our lunch before headed to the destination as the Museum only opens at 10.00am. We arrived at Nanjing Road already 12something in the afternoon. It was a hot day, highest temperature 27 degC.
We bought the family package ticket which cost us RMB260. When we were waiting for the lift to go to the 10th floor, suddenly one lady approached us. She said that Ethan looks so cute and asked whether we have interest to let Ethan join the Shanghai's children TV show. Daddy rejected her.

The way to go into the Madame Tussauds museum light was very dim inside so we had expected the photo we take will not come out to be as good quality as taken outdoor. At first Ethan refused to take photo with the wax statues but after seeing his parent doing it, he slowly accepted and wanted to take photo alone.

Some of the photos taken were:
Richest guy in the world Bill Gate and Asia Lee Kar Seng.

Handsome guy Brad Pitt and Aoron Kwak

Sexy woman in different century. Marlyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie

Hong Kong Movie star Cecilia Cheung and Rosamund Kwan

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts and Material girl - Madonna

President in US and Russia

Oscar Winner -Ethan Chan and Astronaut

Asian Hero - Bruce Lee and Western Hero - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Most beautiful Princess Diana and Smartest guy Albert Einstein

Ethan wondered what was William Shakespeare writing and playing piano together with ??

Nicholas Tse and Zhao Wei

Liu Xiang and Tiger Wood

Memorable - Teresa Teng 邓丽君
After few hours of visit, as usual Ethan felt very tired. He slept very fast on our way home.

The tired face but still can put up a smile
As usual, you can find more information at Ai Yoong & Bernard Travel Blog:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Shuttle bus day....

Today no driver as we switched his working day from Saturday to Sunday in order to let Ethan rest for another day before we visit the attraction again.

We were ready to go out to Carrefour to eat lunch at 10 something in the morning and we were waiting for the 11.ooam shuttle bus. While we were waiting Ethan had to entertain himself by walking here and there. After waiting for more than 15 mins and kept on seeing other places shuttle bus passed by, we had the feeling that something was wrong. After checking the timetable only did we realized that the weekend route for shuttle bus will be two hours apart to Carrefour instead of one hour. Daddy misunderstood the timetable. Well, this was the second time we took the bus. We highly depending on our driver to bring us here and there. So daddy suggested to go back home and wait for 12.00pm but our son refused to go in and kept on walking. No choice, he's the boss. We all walked to the club house.

Entering the club house, we went to the playroom and daddy took one color book for Ethan and of course he enjoy the books. After dangling around, then it was time to go to Carrefour.

Photo in shuttle bus
After the lunch we headed to Carrefour to buy something and we have to move fast else we would miss the last shuttle bus at 2.00pm. Ethan was impatience with just sitting on the bench waiting for the bus. He kept on walking around here and there.

Daddy asked Ethan to stand on the JinQiao signage on the floor (like Hollywood style). The last photo was our shuttle bus coming in the back ground.

On our way home

Friday, June 27, 2008

Exercise with the ball...

When Ethan spot us accidentally turned to the CCTV channel showing the FIVB World Grand Pix 2008, he will quickly go and grasps his ball and imitate the way they play.

He just loves watching it. When his parent tried to turn to other channels then he will protest and say "33". Why 33 because the volleyball game was shown in channel 33. When we refused to switch channel, he will grasp the remote control and change it himself. After getting to see his favorite game, he will continue to imitate the actions again. Normally will end up with him having beads of sweat on his head.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boy inside the net...

Since seeing Ethan felt better compared to yesterday, mummy decided to let him have some exercise. Besides cycling, we also brought the ball and wanted to kick the ball inside the mini football field.

Don't know whether is it because Ethan was sick or he wanted to look at the view, his cycling speed was very a snail..Even mother walked faster than him.

At last we reached the central garden. There is a mini football field there. Mummy let Ethan played and kicked the ball there. He enjoyed it every much. One thing is that there is lot of mud in the field. After playing for a while, his clothes and shoes became dirty.
Ready to "Goal ! Goal! Goal!"

On our way home, we passed by one big rock. Ethan requested his mummy to put him on the rock and take some photos.

I'm on top of the rock...

After the rock, suddenly mummy saw Ethan took a sharp turn on his bike, he just stopped and looked. Mummy was wondering what he looked at? Oh! It was an unknown insect.

What is my name? My name is "unknown insect" Just a joke!

Guessed Ethan was tired riding the bike, he just pulled along his bike on the way back home.