Monday, May 12, 2008

Toilet Seat

Mummy decided to buy the kid's toilet seat for Ethan when we arrive in Shanghai. We, parents feel like carrying the potty around when traveling is a messy thing. Especially so that the potty uses up quite some space in the luggage. It is easier to carry the toilet seat than potty. So now mummy's mission is to train Ethan to sit on the toilet seat when doing his big business.

Recently, mummy is quite satisfied with Ethan's progress of potty training. At least now he is willing to tell and there are less accidents. Accident happens only at the time mummy was not around in the room or he had forgotten about it while he was busy playing. So sometime before mother go out from the room, mummy has to remind Ethan to sit on the potty if he wants to wee wee. He did it few times with himself by pulling down the pants and wee wee.

For Ethan he wasn't very choosy when he wanted to wee wee. When we are at the garden if he wants to wee wee, mummy just let him wee in the garden or in the drain. In the house normally mummy will let him stand on the toilet seat and do his small business. But if it is inside the room where the toilet is far away normally mummy will let him sit on the potty(our house is split level so some of the level has no toilet). Ethan is willing to accept any options. Hope that the mission of training him in toilet will be successful also.

Parents know that Ethan likes to count. Everywhere and everything he also can count. From his point of view, everywhere is number. Recently the funny thing about counting was when he passed his bowel movement, normally he will said "臭臭". Now he will also count his stool. When he passed his bowel then he will stand up and said "One 臭臭" then mummy will push him down and continue his big business then when he released another one he will stand up again and said "Two 臭臭" and ...Mummy cannot stop laughing when he counted his stool. Very disgusting is it?

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