Friday, May 30, 2008

Enjoy the splash

This morning we brought Ethan to the indoor swimming pool at the club house. We had not opt for the outdoor pool because the temperature was still cold like when you are in the high mountain. We let Ethan wear his new goggle as mummy noticed that Ethan was scared when the water goes into his eyes (observed this when bathing him). We let him played in the kiddy pool. He was very happy as he can splash the water. At first was he willing to play in kiddy pool with daddy but after a while, he saw mummy in big pool. He wanted to join. The life guard there was bit worry when Ethan walked alone to adult pool and daddy was still staying at the kid pool.

Ethan held his mummy very tied like "bear hug". Mummy held Ethan and jumped inside the pool Ethan was giggling while also scared that mummy will let go of him. Just played for a while, mummy felt that he was shivering. Maybe it was due to the cool weather. Mummy walked out of the pool and immediately used the towel to cover Ethan. She brought Ethan to the bathroom and bathed him. Wah! The air condition in the bathroom was turned on, so have to quickly bathe Ethan and let him wear the jacket. This was because Ethan was shivering. Mummy was afraid Ethan will have a fever later so have to monitor him. We have gone to the swimming pool at 7 something in the morning.

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