Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friend's apartment visit

Today we went to Puxi to meet daddy's friend. We went to the hotel that they were staying to fetch them to their new rented apartment. The apartment is right in the middle of down town and 2 mins walking distance from subway - very convenient. There were also a lot of malls and supermarket around. Ethan slept on the way in the car and was still sleeping when we reached the apartment. We took him to 18 floor and yet he was still sleeping. We put him on the sofa and let him sleep for a while.

This apartment is quite spacious at 174 sqm, 2 rooms and 1 study room.
Daddy also taken a photo of our car parked in front of the apartment while our driver waited for us. Our car number plate is nice GR5999. Lots of 9s. Wondered how the rental car company managed to get such a nice number plate.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mosquito Netting for Ethan's bed

Today we finally got our new car! We went to Wal-Mart in Pudong near the Nanpu Bridge. We bought lot of stuffs, most important one was the mosquito netting for Ethan's bed.

The net is big enough to cover the whole bed. Mummy had always wanted to buy this kind of netting in Malaysia but didn't know where to buy it. We tried it today when Ethan was having his nap time. Works pretty well.

Enjoy the splash

This morning we brought Ethan to the indoor swimming pool at the club house. We had not opt for the outdoor pool because the temperature was still cold like when you are in the high mountain. We let Ethan wear his new goggle as mummy noticed that Ethan was scared when the water goes into his eyes (observed this when bathing him). We let him played in the kiddy pool. He was very happy as he can splash the water. At first was he willing to play in kiddy pool with daddy but after a while, he saw mummy in big pool. He wanted to join. The life guard there was bit worry when Ethan walked alone to adult pool and daddy was still staying at the kid pool.

Ethan held his mummy very tied like "bear hug". Mummy held Ethan and jumped inside the pool Ethan was giggling while also scared that mummy will let go of him. Just played for a while, mummy felt that he was shivering. Maybe it was due to the cool weather. Mummy walked out of the pool and immediately used the towel to cover Ethan. She brought Ethan to the bathroom and bathed him. Wah! The air condition in the bathroom was turned on, so have to quickly bathe Ethan and let him wear the jacket. This was because Ethan was shivering. Mummy was afraid Ethan will have a fever later so have to monitor him. We have gone to the swimming pool at 7 something in the morning.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Having fun

Today we walked to the school to hand over Ethan's medical history but the administrator was not around so we just passed to her colleague. When Ethan saw the playground inside the school, he could not resist the attraction and just walked towards it. No choice! We have to just let him play for a while.

The playground played by Ethan is for bigger kids. As for Ethan's age the playground is behind the building, the one which is less challenging. (This was described by the staffs when we were on our pre-trip last month, she brought us for a school tour). Ethan will have the outdoor activities for playing in the playground and cycling before they go inside the classroom for short-time story circle.

Since the school is nearby the club house, we also took this opportunity to pick up our member card. We let Ethan played in the indoor playground. Ethan was so happy when he saw lots of balls, mummy brought him inside the ball pool. This cheeky boy threw all the ball out and his poor parents have to pick them up.

Later we just gave up and picked Ethan out from the ball pool. So whichever balls outside the pool, Ethan went and picked them up and threw them back to the ball pool again. Actually Ethan was quite discipline on this side. When he picked something out and at the end he will put it back to the original place. This is not the first time Ethan enjoyed this. On the first day we arrived here, the agent brought Ethan to this indoor playground while daddy was busy with the registration. That time when we walked inside this room, it very messy, the balls and toy car were all over the place. What Ethan first did was he picked up the ball and threw them inside the small house as he noticed lots of ball inside the house. He thought that the balls should belong there. Our agent told mummy that Ethan was so discipline as she said some of the kids will not do that. Yup, Ethan is good in this area as there were some cases proved it:
1) Before he goes out the room, he will ask people to hold him to close the air-conditioners, light and fan.
2) This morning when he wanted to go out with daddy, he asked daddy to wait for him as he wanted to switch off the CD player which was playing his kid's song
3) Tonight when he was doing his big business and suddenly he was annoyed about something and asked mummy to go out and said TV was not turned off. So mummy had to go out and look to see whether it was true or not. Wah! He still can remember that he missed out one step. As he closed the DVD player and took out the CD inside and he had forgotten to turn off the TV. He actually ran out from room to check whether mummy had close the TV or not.
4) When he plays with his toys and we wanted to help him to put all the things back, normally he will refuse our help. If you do it for him, he will throw all the things back and he personally will put it back.

Ethan was so happy playing until resisted to go back home to sleep.

Found Cheerios in Shanghai

Today we went to Carrefour JinQiao to buy some stuffs after daddy came back from Malaysia. After we paid up at the cash register and was on the way leaving the mart, one of the salesgirls asked whether Ethan has eaten Cheerios before? Mummy told her that we had eaten the Cheerios bought from US. She said now we get free Cheerios if we bought the fresh milk. We did bought fresh milk from 光明. Lucky! All we have to do is to go down stairs and show the sales girl receipt of proof that we have bought milk. Then we will get one box of free Cheerios. We got our free one this way. Seems like Cheerios in China is a Nestle product. The US Cheerios does not mention this. Daddy doubt it is a Nestle product. Whatever it is - need to find out whether the China one tastes like US one or not.

Small Cheerios from China and big one from US

Besides this mummy also bought some cooking books. Very cheap only one for RMB3.00. Where can you buy the cooking books at MYR1.50 per book in Malaysia?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


After one day of quarantine, today mummy brought Ethan to have a morning walk. He was so happy about it.

Happy running .....

Gifts from Singapore Airline

Ethan got lots of gifts from Singapore Airline during the trip here in Business Class seat. Among the gifts, Ethan loves teddy bear the most. This bear was put beside and accompanied Ethan when he slept all night through on the airplane.

Picture with teddy bear

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hu Hu

What is Hu Hu? Well, under Ethan's interpretation, it is "Wee Wee". We don't know where he gets this name. But sometimes he will tell us in Mandarin 小便.

Mummy was pleased that Ethan is willing to inform us whenever he wants to go to the toilet. Since the weather in Shanghai is quite dry compared to Malaysia, mummy lets Ethan drink lots of water everyday. Due to this, he can go to the toilet for more than 15 time per day. So now walking and playing inside the community, mummy dare to let Ethan go diaper-less . Last few days, when we brought Ethan to the playground, half way during playing he informed us that he wanted to "Hu Hu". So mummy just let him released into mother earth (become the nutrition of the plants). What to do, mummy cannot rush him back to our apartment nor to the club house. It was too far away.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Terrible mosquito bite. Just one night and Ethan's face and hand got lots of reddish marks, all were due to the kisses of these little vampires. When we chose this community, we like the greenish (Shanghai air pollution is serious) but the drawback of it is lots of unknown bugs. Daddy said Summer time got lots of bug after that should be ok. However the summer only just started and still have quite a few months before it becomes autumn.

So mummy banned Ethan from walking outside for one day.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bad Habits

Ethan has a bad habit that whenever his hand is dirty, he will wipe his dirty hands on the clothes of people near him. See picture below in which he wanted to wipe away his dirty hands and his parents were running away with him chasing after.

Grandma did comment on this that mummy should rectify his bad habit before he goes to school.
Besides this, there is still another bad habit that was developed recently. This occurs after brushing the teeth with him. Normally mummy will ask him to split the water out from his mouth when he brushes his teeth. However, seems like now when he drinks water, he also likes to split out the water purposely on other people's clothes. The disgusting thing is that he even spit out his saliva.( Mummy doesn't want him to copy what the people in China is doing). Headache......

Playground Finally

This morning we brought Ethan to one of the playground inside the community. The playground is built on top of sand and we didn't know whether Ethan dared to step on it. Well, he didn't care because he saw his favorite slides.

Good thing about this time was that Ethan requested to sit on the swing which he would not do in Malaysia. Guessed the swing here makes him feel more safety.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Some stuffs from IKEA

Today we spent most of our time shopping at IKEA. We tried to find some kid stuffs for Ethan. We go round and round to find but we didn't notice that there a notice stating that the kid stuffs had moved to near the check out counters. Totally we spent RMB465 to buy the wooden table and chair, easel plus paper, bib etc. Ethan was very tired and slept in the car on our way back home from IKEA. Guessed he was very tired as he slept from 2 something till nearly 7.00pm. Our kid became little owl at night. :-(

A family driver finally!!

Today we finally got our driver. Since the Ford S-Max 7 seater is a new car and not ready yet, the car rental company gave us a temporary use of a Buick sedan instead. We were introduced to the driver, his name is 史白 44 years old. He is a local Shanghainese and stays nearby across Huang Pu Jiang about 20 mins from Season Villas.

According to the agent, our car should be ready in a week time. We took the opportunity to bring Ethan to Parkson and IKEA in Puxi. It was quite a long ride there and Ethan fell asleep on the way to Parkson. When we reached Parkson, he was still sleeping and daddy had to carry him in his arms.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Routine "Kai Kai"

Since we moved to Shanghai, we often brought Ethan to walk around inside our community in the morning and evening time. It has become a habit for Ethan. When the time comes, he will request and hold his parents' hand and said "Kai Kai". There is a lot of green space for him to explore. We still haven't really let Ethan play at the playground. It has quite a few playground areas and besides this also have few small football field. Now what we have to do is to patiently wait for our shipment to arrive so that Ethan can kick ball in the football field. In addition also ride the bicycle around the surrounding area.(Need to practice doing this before school starts as mummy plan to let Ethan cycle to school, of course accompanied by his parents). Yup, not to forgot that Ethan's parent also wanted to buy a bicycle. Hope that these few days we will have time to take a look at the bike.

Cheap! Cheap ! Books

Mummy cannot resist to buy Ethan some Chinese books when we were shopping. These were very cheap.

The books above cost only RMB2.00 per book which is roughly around less than MYR1.00. The paper quality is also good and it has two story inside one book. The stories are for age from 0 to 3 years old.

The books above were a bit more expensive compared with the previous one but it costs only RMB4.00. Great things here is that mummy can find lots of Chinese books. At night Ethan asked his daddy to read to him by saying "读". Recently we felt that Ethan's Mandarin has improved. Daddy's friends said that after one year in Shanghai, Ethan definitely will speak better Mandarin. Now, he sometimes said English words and sometime said Mandarin interchangeably.

Friday Market @ Season Villas

Every Friday inside our community there is a Friday Market from 7.00am - 10.00am. We brought Ethan to this market today by walking from our apartment to the club house. Well, the foods and vegetable were very fresh but the price.....Hmm very expensive. Mummy bought some vegetable and food stuff for breakfast.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Second day In Shanghai

This morning the agent came to pick up us to the government hospital for remaining X-ray as last time mummy didn't take it. So we have to wake up early, luckily Ethan managed to wake up before the driver came to pick us up. In the mean time while waiting, we have took some photos of the surrounding near our apartment.
Just wake up, so with a blur blur face

Taking photo in front of our apartment

After we came back from the hospital, we tried to walk from our apartment to the clubhouse and gauge how long it takes to walk there. On the way to the club house, we passed by lots of green space so mummy took some photos of Ethan.

On our way to club house

Small bridge across the lake
Before we arrived at the club house, there was one big central garden and a man-made lake with lotus. We had our lunch at the club house's restaurant.