Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mini Sport Day

Yes, finally Ethan gets to join the school event. These few days we did hope that everything was smooth sailing. We went to market to buy the bread for today sport day because we need to arrive at the field at 7.30am.

We managed to arrive on time but the sky was gloomy. There was a small rain drizzling as we parked our car. We brought along two umbrellas just in case. Luckily the rain stopped after awhile. At 8 something all the children need to straight file according to their team based on the color of their sports wear. There were few kids leading all the children marching into the field. After that, National Anthem, State song and school song "卫理幼儿园. The two warming up exercises had been danced by all the kids and including the parent participant before the sports events started.

There were several games played by the children like "Wild animal race", "Recycle game", "Drinking game", "Gunny sack" and the last game was the "Tug of war ".

The school stopped the game for the kids to have some drinks
The last game needed the parent to participate. According to daddy, Ethan was afraid when daddy was pulling the gunny sack.

After the game every kid has been given a whistle plus a bubble from the school. We went back home to let Ethan have a bath before we headed for lunch.....

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