Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unexpected situation

The situation changed so fast. This week Ethan had an attitude problem in the school. The teacher had a short discussion with mother few days ago. Ethan had been throwing tantrum in the school. We don't know why he suddenly became like that. Last few weeks he was happy in the new school but this week thing had changed. Too fast.

The teacher asked whether is it that Ethan hates doing homework. Well, if compared with the previous kindergarten, mother thinks that this new school got less homework. Mainly because Ethan never bring back homework to do. After short conversation with the teacher, the comment from teacher was to ask the parent to talk to Ethan and try to find out what is the cause. Well, not really gotten any answer as Ethan doesn't like to talk about the things at school. When we asked him about his school, he just kept silent then the parent started to ask is it like that or what, then he will respond a bit. We are all guessing and we did not know what is the true story.

Right now, mother had to ask the teacher everyday whether he throws a tantrum or not. Well, the second day he was Ok then the third day he threw the tantrum again but only on particular subject. Really headache.

Currently, we will monitor him for a certain period, if the situation still persist then we will find a way out. Maybe will get advice from the doctor and we really hope that we need not have to go down to this stage.

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