Friday, January 15, 2010

Still under control

We said before that Ethan seldom requests us to buy toys for him but this habit nearly broken by him recently. Nowadays most of the supermarket started to sell the CNY decoration, clothes and the kid's version of lion dance.

We shown him the small lion dance mask and also the Chinese drum, he just loves them. He put both of the toys inside our trolley. We viewed the price and "wah" was our response. So expensive - nearly MYR50 per piece. If he wants both then we need to pay nearly MYR100. We quickly asked him to put back but seems like he was not willing to let go. So mother started to persuade him by saying that these toys are too expensive and we have no money to buy for him. We said why not you play here a while then put it back. Ha , luckily he buy into this. After that he personally put back the toys. Phew...

Few days later, he spot the same things again and he put it into the trolley again. We used the same tactic by saying that the toy is expensive. However, this round his feedback was I want expensive toy. Oh my god, cannot use the old method so we told him this one is too expensive and we will try to find it in another supermarket and see whether got the cheapest one. Again, he was willing to put it back and said bye bye to the toy.

Of course, we did not go and find the toy for him and he seems like already forgotten about it. Now we will try to avoid the same super market again.

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