Sunday, January 31, 2010

Music on the way....

Today, daddy brought out his guitar which he stored under the staircases since we moved in. He claimed that this guitar accompanied him when he was still in the secondary school. Asked whether daddy still know how to play. Ayo, sorry, forgotten already. Daddy said he will buy a guitar book and learn again as he said last time he also self-learned.

Not only the guitar, daddy also forgotten how to play the piano. Not to mention that, mummy also forgotten how to play the organ. When we were young, we even taken the test and now all return back to zero..... We are considering to re-learn again....

What did Ethan do to the guitar, just played it. So on and off you can hear a lousy noise coming from our house.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dragon Fruit flower

The flower only blossom in the early morning.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Reward not based on the.....

We never think of giving reward to Ethan for finishing his homework. Our thoughts are that everyone got his own obligation and own task to be done. We can praise him but not with physical reward. We don't want him to complete his task with motive.

Whenever we bought toys for him was not based on his completion of some tasks. Even his birthday, we did not made it a big deal for him and we don't want to pamper him. So far we never buy birthday presents for him on his birthday. What we have done is to save a lump some of money as his education fund.

Monday, January 25, 2010

High in the sky

Finally we bought the kite for Ethan. Mummy spot it when we were in Kedah few weeks ago but we missed it. Few days ago, we purposely drove to the shop and bought it. We did not want to buy it from the temporary stall at QBM because we knew the price will be higher. Guessed what, we bought two kites for RM3.90 and RM4.90. The string and handle costs RM2.50 each. We really thought it was cheap.

When we were back to Penang surely we want to try the kite out. First, daddy chose the dragonfly to fly it. After uncountable attempts to fly it, still not succeeded so we decided to try another one. Surprisingly, this one flew into the sky in our first attempt. We actually still did not give up the dragonfly kite. We tried to modify the way we tied the rope and we tried it on next day. The situation had improved but still cannot get it to fly into the sky. Well, we still did not give up on it, we will try to glue it with some tapes and will try it again.

Overall, Ethan had fun as he always said he wanted to fly a kite. Oops, forgot to take the photo of the kite flying in the sky... .

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is the wedding?

This is the first time we brought Ethan to attend the wedding ceremony. We hardly attended the ceremony because we had few relatives. This round is mother's cousin getting married. After this wedding ceremony, guessed we need to wait for few years later because all the other cousins are still young.

We have informed Ethan that he will attend a wedding. He asked us what is a wedding. We hardly can explain to him so we said you wait until the wedding time. Well, we brought him to experience it himself.

Next day when mummy asked him now you should know what is wedding? His reply is "Yes, It only eating ". We laughed when we heard his feedback. Yup, the cousin only had a simple wedding. We did not attend the day time marriage because it was far away.

Mini PC Fair

There was a mini PC fair held in our taman when we were back in Kedah. We wanted to enter into the hall but the door was not open. Didn't know what time the fair will start.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kid in black

Ethan was playing with the sunglasses....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unexpected situation

The situation changed so fast. This week Ethan had an attitude problem in the school. The teacher had a short discussion with mother few days ago. Ethan had been throwing tantrum in the school. We don't know why he suddenly became like that. Last few weeks he was happy in the new school but this week thing had changed. Too fast.

The teacher asked whether is it that Ethan hates doing homework. Well, if compared with the previous kindergarten, mother thinks that this new school got less homework. Mainly because Ethan never bring back homework to do. After short conversation with the teacher, the comment from teacher was to ask the parent to talk to Ethan and try to find out what is the cause. Well, not really gotten any answer as Ethan doesn't like to talk about the things at school. When we asked him about his school, he just kept silent then the parent started to ask is it like that or what, then he will respond a bit. We are all guessing and we did not know what is the true story.

Right now, mother had to ask the teacher everyday whether he throws a tantrum or not. Well, the second day he was Ok then the third day he threw the tantrum again but only on particular subject. Really headache.

Currently, we will monitor him for a certain period, if the situation still persist then we will find a way out. Maybe will get advice from the doctor and we really hope that we need not have to go down to this stage.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

He looks like....

When people look at Ethan, some said he looks like mother but some of them said he looks like father. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A bit success

Few months back, mother had noticed that he seldom pee during his afternoon nap time but he still request to put on the diaper. When mother told him not to wear the diaper during his nap time and he insisted wanting it. So now mother's tactic is to ignore and assume that she had forgotten to wear it for him. Ethan was slow to wean off diaper compared with kids of the same age. What to do, he is a heavy wetter.

Since we had success on his nap time so mother hoped that night time of diaper less will be a dream come true very soon. So far we only found him not pee at night for one or two times and this was because he did not drink the milk before his sleep. He still request for milk before his sweet dream time at night.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not much homework

Ethan has started his new school more than 2 weeks and mummy noticed that he seldom bring back homework. Precisely less than 5 times. Even this it was also because he cannot finish it in school.

On the bright side, it allows more time for Ethan to play but on the bad side, mother just found out that he has forgotten how to write an alphabet "E" step by step. Emm... This was no good so mummy plans to give him some simple worksheets to brush back his writing skills.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recently routine

Recently late evening, Ethan will request mother to open the door for him to cycle in our car porch while mother enjoys the TV drama.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Seen some improvement in his swimming. Not saying that he knows how to swim, only that he now can swim with the float in the adult pool. Previously, he refused and held us tightly but now he can swim by kicking his legs under our supervision. It was a great improvement for him.

Mother still think about when is the suitable age for him to learn swimming?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Still under control

We said before that Ethan seldom requests us to buy toys for him but this habit nearly broken by him recently. Nowadays most of the supermarket started to sell the CNY decoration, clothes and the kid's version of lion dance.

We shown him the small lion dance mask and also the Chinese drum, he just loves them. He put both of the toys inside our trolley. We viewed the price and "wah" was our response. So expensive - nearly MYR50 per piece. If he wants both then we need to pay nearly MYR100. We quickly asked him to put back but seems like he was not willing to let go. So mother started to persuade him by saying that these toys are too expensive and we have no money to buy for him. We said why not you play here a while then put it back. Ha , luckily he buy into this. After that he personally put back the toys. Phew...

Few days later, he spot the same things again and he put it into the trolley again. We used the same tactic by saying that the toy is expensive. However, this round his feedback was I want expensive toy. Oh my god, cannot use the old method so we told him this one is too expensive and we will try to find it in another supermarket and see whether got the cheapest one. Again, he was willing to put it back and said bye bye to the toy.

Of course, we did not go and find the toy for him and he seems like already forgotten about it. Now we will try to avoid the same super market again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

All are the excuses

Since Ethan started his school day. Mummy seldom read the story to him. The excuse is no time and tired. Knowing that in the morning session will not be able to do it because Ethan has to wake up early morning around 7.15am. That time the sky is still dark and some more mummy need to rush to prepare for Ethan to bring to school like filling the water, makes some snacks for him to bring to school. The bottleneck is mummy also wakes up late. (Should be changing this bad habit). After getting him ready, need to rush to send him to school. The school starts at 8.00am.

When come back from school, mummy has excuse again that Ethan was too tired because he can fall asleep very fast. At night, yes sometimes read few books to him then mummy enjoys herself by read the book.

Not only that , recently mummy also reduced borrowing the books from the library. Mainly because cannot find suitable books and also no time to read like when during school holiday.

Knowing that this is all mother's excuses just because of changing the routine life. Mummy has to change and need to plan out something to equalize all the 3 languages story book to be read to Ethan everyday. Sometimes, mother just think why we need to learn so many languages.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Are you happy?

Almost everyday when mummy goes to pick him up in school, the first word mother asked is " Are you happy in the kindy?". He always nodded his head.

We, parents always want our kid to be happy not only at home but also in school.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Men in the window

Sometimes we thought that Malaysian window of the house is not safe for kids. We quite like the concept of Shanghai houses where the lower part of window is sealed on to the window frame, only the upper part of the window can be opened. Of course houses in Malaysia need to put in the grill so it is also safe for kids.

We only let Ethan go nearby the window if he is accompanied by the adult. It is dangerous to let him go nearby the window as we don't know what will happen next.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chinese Opera

We wanted him to experience his first view of Chinese Opera so we purposely brought him to watch. However, this kid really born in year of chicken. He was afraid to go nearby the stage. He held his daddy so tight and when we said we wanted to walk further, he was yelling and said " No, No, Go back".

In the end, we stayed less than 5 minutes there after so much trouble and difficulty of entering to the destination due to the "Pasar Malam" jam at the main road.

Really for ages we hardly gone to enjoy this kind of show. Parents were out of date that this opera got subtitle displayed beside the stage. So good, even if you don't know what they are saying , you still know by looking at the subtitle on the sceen. So high tech!

The opera is from China

Daddy caught some backstage photo while waiting for us to buy supper
Ethan might be scared by the loud sound of sudden drum. We really hope that one day Ethan will enjoy it.

Finally it went into the....

What is this little kid doing in the bathroom? Oh, he put his paper ship into the big red bucket.

After he put all his ships, he asked his parents to fold more and more ships for him to put.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Climbing post...

Just for a smile.....

Oink! Oink ! to communicate

Do you know how he uses this thing?

He uses it as a hand phone to communicate with people. He will talk while putting this thing near his ears. We cannot stop laughing when we have seen him using it.

Actually it is a key chain with the pig and piglet inside but it was broken as the animal cannot move anymore when you open the cover. We cannot imagine it as a hand phone but Ethan can. He said that this is his "Oink!Oink! Hand phone".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If possible...

Today, Ethan had brought back some books from school. Guessed the school wants the parent to write down the name of the kid. At first, mummy wanted him to write by himself. But after he had done with one of the book, ayo all his name connected together and no space.

In the end, mummy wrote for him but mummy let him to write down his class ie K1.

Poor on...

Ethan has no artistic cells in him. Asked him to draw by giving the paper, ended up with all numbers written on the paper. Mummy planned to send him to the art class during the school holiday but in the end did not.

We just thought that he is still small and maybe need to wait until he reaches age 5 then we will let him decide. Currently, mummy will on and off teach him to draw a simple drawing like house, sun and etc. All depends on his willingness....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The shoe problem

Ethan took off his socks and mummy seen him used his hands to rub the "reddish" on his toes nail. What happened to him? Mummy saw a bit of blood inside the nail. Guessed the shoe is not suitable for him anymore. At night, daddy asked him about the shoe. His answer to daddy was "The shoe is too tight".

Guessed we would need to buy a new shoe for him. We did not expect his feet to grow so fast. When we bought the shoe, we purposely chose the bigger size. Few months back, Ethan only wore the sandal instead of sports shoe so mother did not notice that he feet was growing. It was mother's fault, mother should have checked it before he started school. Shame on mother.

Daddy promised to bring him to buy a new pair of shoes tomorrow. Hope we can find a suitable and comfortable sports shoe for him.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to new school

Today we have to wake Ethan up for the new school day. The school started at 8.00am not like the previous kindy which started at 8.30am. The distance is also far compared to the previous one.

The first week was an orientation week, the parents need to fetch the kid back home early. Mother did not accompany him in the school and just informed him that mother will be coming back at 10.00am to pick him up.

Let's pray and hope that he will enjoy the school.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Getting to start a new kindy

This afternoon, we brought Ethan to his new kindergarten. We have to choose the suitable size, picked up the uniform and paid the remaining fees. If you ask me what is the purpose of switching the kindergarten? We would say that it is mainly due to the environment.

Mummy doesn't like the previous kindy, it was too academic. We got the feeling that Ethan always sits on the chair from beginning of the class until the end of the class. We thought that kindy should be a fun place for kids especially last year when Ethan was still under nursery category.

The quality of the teachers. Some of the teachers are impatient. Mummy saw them yelling at the kids when mummy picked Ethan up. We knew that the kids today are very difficult to control but at least stop yelling and scolding the kids. When the kids did not corporate, the method is to beat the kids.

The school is also too commercialize, everything talk about money. Guess the kindy is a profitable organization and parent's money is the easy way to get when talking about kids education. Some of the money we paid, we don't know where does the kindy uses it. Some more we have to pay the Dec school fees even though Ethan did not have to attend. The school did mentioned if we want to send Ethan to the school in Dec we need to pay extra one month school fees. See, this is the way they make profit.

Actually we don't know whether the new kindy is a right choice or not but we hope that he will be happy and enjoys in the new kindergarten. Let's pray hard.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Hope

What is the new year hope??
1) continue to be a happy boy and enjoy his life.
2) Healthy
3) Grow in weight and get taller and taller
4) good reading environment for him

Secretly hope
1) no more diaper for him. Now his success rate in nap time is up to 90% but not for the night time. He still pee in the night time. What to do, he insists wanting to have 11 oz milk plus water before he sleeps. If mother wakes him up at night then you will hear a loud crying boy in the middle of the night. He cannot let people disturb his sweet dream. Mother tried it once at nap time and in the end he cried non stop.

2) Start to read by himself. Mother really does not place much hope on this. Don't ask me when he will start his button on reading. By the time it comes then he will do it himself but just a mother's wish that day will come early.

3) Can ride the bicycle on two wheels instead of 4 wheels. Will it happen?

The morning in New year 2010

We did plan to visit the bay area in front of QBM since last year but we kept on delaying it. Today we made it on the first day of New Year. We arrived quite late after we have had our breakfast. The bright sun shone down the area and Ethan kept on using his hands to cover his eyes and constantly wanted us to go back. He refused to take photo.

Back into the car, he dare to look at the camera...
Since we only stayed a while in QBM so mother asked daddy why not we go to the Pulau Jerajak jetty. When we arrived there, we saw a lot of cars parked and lot of people waiting for the boat. We only took few photos at the jetty and we did not see the boat arriving at the jetty. Too bad.