Sunday, September 27, 2009

Natural phonic in him

Up until today, mummy didn't teach Ethan phonic. Even though mummy did buy the "Hooked on Phonic" but mummy does not feel much interest of learning it so it means she didn't let Ethan learn either. Mummy did read to Ethan since he was small up until today so Ethan did learn a bit of natural phonic when he sees the new words. Which means that when he sees the word beginning with "B" he will roughly know how to pronounce it. Well, not to say that he 100% "Tembak" correctly but at least up to 70% he will pronounce it correctly.

Knowing that most of the kindergartens will emphasize on learning the phonic when they teach the English. Initially mummy plans to throw ball to the kindergarten teacher but after a deep thought, mummy thinks that it is better for mummy to learn it up. At least when Ethan asks about it, mummy would not panic and sweat trying to answer.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ai Yoong,
May I know where to buy this hooked on phonics? As I find all over the place but still can't find it. If you don't mind to share, pls also include to cost to get it.
Thanks in advance

Ai Yoong said...

We bought the "hooked on phonics" in US. You can find it at