Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No favorite

Ethan, this little fellow didn't request toys from us when we brought him to the toy department. We, parents bought for one him when we seen him having fun playing with the toy. Even we didn't buy for him and asked him to put it back, he was also Ok with it. He didn't cry and request us to buy for him.

One time when we were waiting for daddy to line up paying the bill, mummy brought him to the toy department. He had fun with one of the mini computer. He played with it while waiting for daddy. He really had fun with it but after mummy seen that it was about daddy's turn to pay money, mummy informed Ethan that we are going the meet his dad at the paying counter. He immediately stopped playing and put the toy nicely back to the original place. He just walked away with mummy. We didn't see him crave for some particular toy. When he was small, we did give him the soft toy but he didn't care whether it was with him or not. That's why up until today, we still don't know what is his favorite toy.

Not only the toys, even with the blanket. Article did mentioned that normally baby will look for his own blanket so parent need to prepare the same blanket in case one of blanket needs to be washed. Mummy did worry about it when mummy washes his blanket. BUT he just accepted the new blanket without any resistance. Sometimes we felt a bit weird.

So far, we only know his favorite things are eating ice cream and maths.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Action in Mandarin knowing myself - part 1

Mummy wants to teach Ethan to recognize the Mandarin words. We started with knowing myself. Mummy draws a face in the white board and tried to teach him what it is. He immediately took over the marker pen after mummy finished drawing and writing. Well, his interested part was to draw and erase with the marker pen on the white board. Seeing that, mummy has to stop and let him have fun with the white board. He could not stop writing and erasing until we cannot stand it anymore. We have to stop him because we wanted to bathe him. Before we bathe him, we promised to let him have fun with the marker pen tomorrow as we didn't want him to dirty himself after the bath.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Natural phonic in him

Up until today, mummy didn't teach Ethan phonic. Even though mummy did buy the "Hooked on Phonic" but mummy does not feel much interest of learning it so it means she didn't let Ethan learn either. Mummy did read to Ethan since he was small up until today so Ethan did learn a bit of natural phonic when he sees the new words. Which means that when he sees the word beginning with "B" he will roughly know how to pronounce it. Well, not to say that he 100% "Tembak" correctly but at least up to 70% he will pronounce it correctly.

Knowing that most of the kindergartens will emphasize on learning the phonic when they teach the English. Initially mummy plans to throw ball to the kindergarten teacher but after a deep thought, mummy thinks that it is better for mummy to learn it up. At least when Ethan asks about it, mummy would not panic and sweat trying to answer.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

On our way...

Everyday mummy picks or fetches him from the school. He will read out the house number one by one on our way home. He now even can memorize which house is what number. So terrible.

On our way home, mummy did try to talk and ask him about whether he is happy or not and what happened in the school. He just ignore me, he mind and eyes totally concentrated in looking at the house number. No response at all. So sometimes mummy just gave up and kept quiet.

Alarm story part 2

We thought that after Ethan's revenge back on us then will be the end of the alarm story. No, actually "NO". He did it again this morning when we had our breakfast. Daddy quickly rushed upstairs and closed it but this round he was smart. After he heard we turned off the alarm, he immediately turned it on again. Daddy had to bring down the remote control with him so this morning, you can hear that our house was full with the sound of on and off alarm. We played this on and off game till daddy cannot stand it anymore. Daddy walked up to our room and grasped the remote control from him.

So in order to solve this problem, daddy had changed the place where we put the remote control. He did try to find the remote control and asked us but we just simply ignored him.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ethan' sweet revenge

This morning our kid had his revenge on us.

Yesterday night we have constantly asked him to shut down the laptop and walked up with us to the bedroom. He refused and ignored us. So in order to make him move. We switched on our house alarm system after waiting for sometime inside our room. He yelled and called for help after he heard the beep beep countdown sound. Daddy quickly turned off the alarm and went down to pick him up.

This morning we were having our breakfast in the kitchen downstairs. We left our bedroom with Ethan still sleeping. Suddenly we heard our alarm system had been switched on. Daddy quickly run upstairs to turn it off. We knew that this must be our boy's doing. We didn't expect him to do this back to us after he woke up seeing we were not in the same room with him. See la, this naughty boy. He took his revenge back for what we did to him last night. When mummy walked in the room, what did he do, he pretended to sleep still on his bed covered himself with blanket. Mummy felt funny and didn't know whether to scold him or not.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lost his creativity

Mummy felt that Ethan has lost his creativity since he started to study in the local kindergarten. We have enrolled Ethan for about 2 and half months in the local kindy and so far we didn't see him bring back any art work. Everyday he brought back is the homework. This is the reason why mummy needs to crack the head and let him do some art work after he comes back from school.

Besides that when mummy gave him a blank paper and asked him to do something with the paper, he came back and asked mummy. He doesn't know what to draw in the paper. Mummy knew then he lost his creativity. Last time in Shanghai, whenever mummy gave him a piece of paper, he will scribble something inside it. Not to mention, last time mummy did complained that he will only color a few line in the coloring page then told mummy that he had finished. Now he was able to finish coloring every single part but he was bound to the restriction. When he carelessly colored outside the line, he will say " aya, outside the line". Then he will use the eraser to erase it. Mummy constantly reminded him never mind, out is out lo.

Since the long break school holiday is coming, mummy plans to fill up some of his free time by enrolling him to the art school.

New Activity

Today we have another new activity. Mother said that with this activity, she hoped that I can memorize how to spell the particular word and improves my writing skill.

At first mummy printed out some of the pictures and cut them. I can used the glue to paste it on the corner of the paper. Mummy asked me to follow the word. Yup, I start with the word " Ball".
When I finished it, I requested for more. This time my cheapo mummy's character shown again. She went to cut out those picture printed in Tesco magazine. She said don't waste it. Like this can save her time to search for the photos in internet and printer ink wo. She cut out the apple photo for me to practice.

Poor Tesco magazine, there got a lot of holes in it as my mummy cut a lot of photos......

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Maths activity at home

Ethan superbly loves maths. We did buy some of the maths books for him at Tesco but some of the pages are a bit more difficult for him especially wanting him to draw the object. Ethan is not good at drawing, We seldom see him draw anything on the paper. When we gave him a blank piece of paper, what does he do. Just writing the number inside the paper and sometimes he even wrote ? +? =? on the paper. Oh my god. He loves the figures very much.

Mummy had been printing out some of the maths worksheet from internet and he manages to finish all the maths question by himself lately. At first he still needed my couching for those bigger number of addition. He will play cheating when his daddy is around. He will get the answer from his dad but not from mummy. Mummy will only teach him to draw out the line and asked him to add them up. After few days of working on the addition, now he even can memorize some of the answers. If not mistaken he should have done more than 100 maths questions up to today. So far mummy didn't plan to let him do the two digits addition yet. One digit addition is enough for his age. Now mummy plans to switch from addition to subtraction. Maybe will start next week. First mummy needs to print out the worksheet.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just as usual

We didn't do "cuti cuti Malaysia" during the holiday, mummy and Ethan went back to Kedah while daddy stayed in Penang busy with conference call and reunion gathering with MBA classmates.

When we were in Kedah, as usual Ethan gets to cycle and play bubble with mei mei. We didn't go to Gunung Jerai again this time as according to grandpa, the renovation is still WIP. Need to wait until they finished then we only go and visit which just a few minutes distance from grandpa's house.

During the holiday, we adults discussed about the next holiday. We discussed about whether want to go Thailand or Genting Highland. Talked and discussed but nothing finalized. After coming back to Penang mummy only realized that Ethan doesn't have school holiday during the Deepavali. Daddy discussed why not miss the class which mummy does not agree. Wait for a month then Ethan will have the long school holiday then that time only "Cuti Cuti Malaysia" lo......

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ethan gets to play the transportation puzzle while waiting for daddy to come back from work. Mummy asked him what are this and that transportation. The funny things mummy gotten to know from him was regarding the ambulance car. He told mummy that the ambulance is carrying dead people. Mummy said no, is carry sick people but he kept on saying that is dead people.

Well, mummy doesn't know where he gets the idea the ambulance carries dead people.....

Friday, September 18, 2009

He was beaten by the teacher

Yesterday when mummy picked him up from the school, mummy noticed that he got dry tears mark on his face. Asked whether he cried in the school. Yes was his reply. Need to know why, the answer he gave was teacher beat him. Where was the place teacher beat. He said is the nose. Mummy was surprised why the teacher beat his face instead of his hand. Is it teacher wanted to slap him? Mummy intend to call up the teacher after cannot get much more information from him but he refused to let mummy do so. So the task of asking for the true story had been passed to daddy.

The feedback was he didn't want to do homework in class and the teacher said she only beat his hand not the face. After getting the feedback then mummy reconfirm again with Ethan. He insisted that teacher beat his nose and he even demonstrated to mummy how the teacher did it. Well, mummy doesn't know who was the liar but surely must be either parties. Well, mummy didn't expect that just because not doing the homework then got beaten. Mummy thought that this will only happen when you are in standard 1 primary school and not the kindergarten. Is it mummy was outdated?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm a doctor

Grandpa had provided us with some masks. We seldom used it and we just put it at some corner of the house. Today, Ethan spotted it and he told mummy that he wants to be a doctor. Asked mummy to put the mask on his face but it was too big for him.

He still remember what he learned during his time in Shanghai school. He used to pretend as patient and doctor in the class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mummy, I want star

Ethan will request the star from his mummy when he correctly finished the maths worksheet. As a motivation and encouragement, sure cannot "kedukut" to give him....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Maths books

Today, we bought a lot of maths books for Ethan. Well, some people might think that we are "Kiasu" parent. We admit this but we bought it because he loves maths and we are not forcing him to do. We went to Tesco and bought it because we found out that Ethan likes to browse internet and watches the video in You tube. We don't know how he browses it but we were not comfortable with the films loaded in the web. Some may be violent video or unsuitable for kids. Besides that PC monitor also harm to his eyes even though we are using the TFT monitor.

And we did make a right choice. After we arrived home, he immediately wanted to start to do his favorite subject. Even he can sit still and does his maths but sometimes he still " Kacau "us when he faces the problem i.e doesn't know how to do. Yup, some of the questions were too difficult for him. Like the 4 + ?=6. He tried and we taught him....

Friday, September 11, 2009


Recently, mummy only focused on how to brush up Ethan's writing skill without reading to him anymore. Few times when mummy wanted to read to him, he preferred to play with the computer instead. Even he sat beside but mummy still felt that his mind is no longer with him anymore. Especially reading the Chinese story book. Mummy felt mad about him but after thinking about it, all began when mummy stopped reading to him for quite some time.

Guessed mummy needs to reinstate back the good habit. However, this would need some time. Today we didn't started well with Chinese story book but ended up well after switching to English story book.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Origami back again

Lazy mummy didn't give Ethan to do his art work recently. Today we are back again. This round we have done the origami. All the origami was folded by mummy. Ethan, he doesn't know how to to follow the instruction. Never mind, wait until he grows up then he will know. His task was only to draw the eye, mouth and etc.

First, we have done the fishy origami. Ethan glued the fish on the paper and drawn some bubbles, named the animal and last he stick it on the wall.

After he had finished, he said :"Mummy, take photo". He posted a handsome posture and let mummy takes his photo.

Finished then fish followed by the ladybird. Done by mummy and Ethan only concentrated on drawing the eyes, and spots....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finally we found it - Teluk Bayu Beach

We knew there is a beautiful beach nearby Bayan Lepas for quite some time already. Once we did go and try to find it but unfortunately we went to the wrong side of the beach.

Today we tried our luck again after daddy asked his friend for direction. When we reached the Kampung we were a bit scared after driving deep into the kampung but still cannot find it. Daddy had to ask the local people for direction. Ah, we went to the wrong bridge again. There were two bridges, we have to take the right turn for the right direction.

Some of the lake view

Ethan was scared of the beach. This round he was not scared of the sand but is still cautious of the waves. See the waves ??? He held his daddy quite tight like a Koala bear. We tried to lure him to come down and collect the shells himself. We had shown him that there were a few holes on the beach and he managed to see the crab wanting to climb out from the hole... After that, he was willing to walk on the beach.

Still struggling on whether want or not....

Counting the shell and fruitful day bringing home a bag of shells
We didn't bring along water to wash our legs as we didn't expect that we can find this place today. So we brought along the sand back to our house.